Is Nic a good man?

That’s the question! I believe he can stop the violence in Gommorra and found new schools and gardens.
He is working on himself and he did change his behaviour (wow, he did not shoot the sheriff!). He starts with himself and will make the whole town much better!
The town to dream about! It will be the most beautiful resort. With beautiful fountains, casino’s and lovely women don’t know which side to keep the gun.

So what’s your opinion about our new mayor?

Good and Evil are relative to a man like Nico.

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He’s an interesting choice for sure. I like the mention that he was helping out during the storm so there’s a possible altruistic side to him.

That being said, the yakuza are well known for their disaster relief efforts so there’s that.

I really hope we get a fantastic piece of fiction when he meets Ivor for the first time because we all know that has to happen at some point.

We also don’t know for sure he’s the guy who paid off Sloane for the Election Day Slaughter (possible, so as to clear the way for himslef) or that he’s the guy that has been having Ivor chase down relics (possible again as he’s asked for an inventory of the Arsenal so he might already know The Right Hanf Of God is missing).


Good, Bad, he’s the guy with the Soul Blast.


This. I’m not trusting him as far as I can throw him (without my patent-pending assisted-throwing steam arm of course).

I think he’s already met Ivor. Ivor’s set of talents and eccentricities seem right in line with Nico’s kin - I wouldn’t be surprised if the Circus moved into town at his behest.

Oh that again. What do you have against circus? That is just entertainment to amuse citizens. Why so negative?

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I love the Circus. I’m just saying that both Ivor and Nico are known to employ the same methods.