Is there GenCon Marshal Event Coverage?

I just wanted to know if there is going to be a live stream of the marshal event or any other form of coverage?

The Gazette said they would be there and cover it - but how I dont know!

The guys at Team Covenant said they would do some coverage, as well.

We’ll be keeping updated tallies for the characters on the line on our main page under the Marshalls tab that will go up once we’ve been given the Okay. We’ll also be tackling the GenCon releases and pre-releases that may show up. Unboxings, reviews, anything to wet your whistle. It’s going to be an exciting week guys.

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Awesome, thanks guys! :slight_smile:

That’s why we’re here. I’m currently working on a lot of the stuff we’ll need for the next few days.

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Yeah the Nightmare at Noon thread said Unstoppable Force, Immovable Object is on hand for previews (but not for sale) Can’t wait to hear about the new factions! :slight_smile:

Actually it’s looking like the faction pack is going to be on sale TOMORROW. If so, we’re gonna be all over it. The picture on facebook had stacks of them on a shelf.


Awesome though! :smiley:

Hopefully they don’t make the rest of us non-Gen Con-ers wait too long to get the faction pack.

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Unfortunately, retail date will probably still be the first week of September for IOUF. it’s not unusual for AEG to provide products as exclusive benefits to being at Gen Con. Remember, even if they sell the cards, they’re not legal until the day after the retail, so, people will get to play with them casually but they won’t affect tournament play til they’re ‘actually’ released.

Still, I’m excited to see the 108 and the Wardens :slight_smile:

I’m one not to see the full spoilers until I actually have the product in hand to preserve the excitement that comes from buying something new. If the full spoilers for the faction pack are released and I don’t read them, I will be severely missing out on an important community discussion. This sort of places me in an awkward position where I will have to see the full spoilers to keep up with the discussion.

I guess I’ll have to be ok with seeing them but not actually playing them for a month in advance.


Hi guys - can you please do a video coverage of opening IOUF? I would love to share your first impressions as I’ll be seeing the cards way before they are here.

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I’m editing a podcast right now. We’ll be doing a video some time this week of the new faction in action. It’s pretty hectic here in Indy.