Lady Luck FAQ Addition

Noon: You can discard as many of your cards as you like during Sundown.

This refers to cards in hand only, not in play. An entry will be added to the FAQ to reflect this.


Follow up: this applies for Ambrose as well. Rulebook will be updated.

A simpler way to do this will be a “blanket” that covers all discard mechanics. Like so.

Most cards say when you can discard a card off of a dude, from in play, or various other acing or discarding. They are always specific when and where you are allowed to discard.

However, there are some cards that just say “discard a card” with no additional specifics. When this text is on a card, it is referring to the play hand of the affected player. The phrase “discard a card” by itself only allows you to discard cards from your play hand. It will need to be more specific if any other cards are allowed to be discarded from any other parts of the game.