Let's Make A Card


This is an exercise in fun and community building. Alas, Whatever we came up with will never see print. This is not a competition to get a card made, it is simply for fun.

Right, now that’s out of the way. Wizards of the Coast do a “You Make The Card” event every so often. The idea ism that the community votes on what they’d like to see as a card for Magic: The Gathering. I thought it’d be interesting to see what you lot can come up with given ULTIMATE DESIGN POWER™*.

I’ll update this thread as we go (Every Wednesday to coincide with Story day)

So, to get the ball rolling. Let’s start with card type:

  • :gun: Outfit
  • :spades: Dude
  • :diamonds: Deed
  • :hearts: Goods
  • :clubs: Action
0 voters

*may or may not include ultimate power

Which bit of but of fun is the issue here lol


Not much love for actions so far?

rethinking on my vote I would prefer an action over a deed. More Global effect for all outfits.

No love for spells eh? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Shush you :smile: - it won’t let me edit it. :hearts: can include spells. If you can update the option that’d be nice.

Have I said something illegal or forbiden? Why have you removed my comment?