Main Attractions: State of the Fourth Ring

I really wish that the way to remove incubation was a ghost rock cost rather than a boot cost. I could see it getting more play under those circumstances. As it stands it really doesn’t have a home since in order to get the most out of it you have to do something with it the turn that it goes off. So maybe you can do something with it in a shotgun based deck such as the 3,5,7 deck. Or some kind of horse and shotgun deck. I mean there are obvious synergies with Soul blast or other grit based cards…
I like the idea of the card but its too easy to get rid of. Perhaps in the future there will be more ways to attack someone based on their value or influence.

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So personally I have just begun working on my 4R control deck again with Freddy as a part of it. Instead of choosing Blood Curse or Paralysis Mark I choose Soul Blast and Puppet (of which I have only 1 of each in the deck). This gives me the opportunity to remove 2 cards of low value but high usability from my draw and pull structure - while intimidating my opponent and having the posibility of either having an answer to his initial shootout threat or locking down Town Square…

I am also considering Fetch/Soul Blast as another possibility - starting with a Fetch seems ridiculously fun. :smile:

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I’m very nervous about this archetype. Too many studs with no influence and all the hexes and hand rank manipulation. I’m hesitant to use the “broken” word because I’ve gone through and beaten it with different deck archetypes from each faction. But I do think this deck is one of 2-3 which give you the best odds of winning right now. Freddy is a HUGE boost, believe it or not.

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Freddy is good even if you aren’t playing Hexes. I’m playing an Aboms shooter and his stats are great.

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I suppose given that my entire meta has been running 4th ring control and 4th ring shootout since double dealing im less excited about alternate starting dudes. But yes they are the two best decks in the game currently no doubt about it .

I guess you mean “studs with no upkeep” eh?

So, how do people see things progressing. The Arrival of Desolation Row seems to have certainly shaken up T4R control from their game, but is it mostly because they have not learned to compensate against that very aggressive start yet? The addition of Funtime Freddy allows a much more consistent spell start, with some tough choices for your opponent while Avie Cline exp now provides the first reliable way to pull out turtling dudes kicking and screaming into your loving embraces, which should help both against Landslide cowards, as well as booted out Sloanies who’ll be too far for Angelica to protect them.

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Actually, my bane hasn’t been Sloane, but the new agressive Law Dogs. My meta contains the player that made this deck:

And of course that only went even better when combined with the new judge. The issue here is (playing a control deck) that you lose a clown per day unless you boot the judge, but you are almost certain to lose the first. You can oppose the first job, but that might get you hit with a Pinned or losing the showdown, thus losing 2 clowns day 1. If you oppose, discard the target the first round you are now faced with going home booted or trying to fight a round more - maybe resulting in another death.

To be honest I dont know which one is the answer - fight to maybe win or let him discard a dude.

Basically, this forces me to pack my deck even more tight, disabling a lot of the control abilities and concentrating more on handrank manipulation - which results in the deck that won Barcelona Sheriff event.

All in all, thats bad for control imo.

The newest thing I am trying to do is actually to play with some recruitment drive in my deck and if I start with it in hand - let him discard a dude and recruit it right back (especially if its Leon).

Any ideas?

Play some Soul Blasts? Especially with Freddy you can start with either Soul Blast or Blood Curse/Mirror Mirror giving you a very good fighting chance against all his low values and making the judge assault very risky. Even worse if you manage to grab a second soul blast.

Summoning instead of recruitment drive might also be useful since you can keep using it after each job.

Also, how exactly are you losing a clown every day? They still need to add bounty to anyone after the first and their only influence is the judge, no?

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They also play Lucy, and use her to add bounties to 1-influence dudes (pretty much every other starter except Leon). Then they go on a job with Judge, Tommy, Andrew, and a gunslinger. And a flurry of shootout actions of course.

This deck is very low on money, having 0 upkeep, but i’ve been told that if you can win with just your starting posse it doesn’t really matter :slight_smile:

Hm, solution seems to be to start enough low cost + upkeep influence dudes, so that you have more money for deeds and losing dudes increases your prod. Use the time they’re booted out to increase your prod and then keep dropping dudes and attires.

One clown a day might be hard, but between the judge, bounty hunters and fx kidnappin’, guns are drawn pretty fast in Gomorra. You can fx start Judge, Tommy and Andrew with cash to spend.

I still think 4R control is in good shape, which the Barcelona Sheriff event also shows. All the new call outs and jobs does make it more dangerous without doubt. Oddities, I feel, still has a difficult start, with them being forced to take TS or prolly lose on low inf.

This is exactly a way to counter it, SB and MM, you can defend since turn one using them, Fetch and Blood Curse are also good defensive tools, so there are options. If LD player spams BH’s he quickly has problems with economy.

So you would sacrifice Freddy to get a BC or SB on your caster thus losing 1 stud?

If you do have Leon, Mongway with BC and Smiling Jack - would you take the shootout?

I know this depends on your hand - but this is the dilemma I normally face against this deck. I know that I can draw a legal full house against him IF Mongwau gets to be 2 - 3 stud, but if Im hit with SIYE or Pinned down that might be a problem.

It depends on my starting hand, sometimes I use him, sometimes I don’t. The real problem playing against LD at the moment is Faster on the Draw + Point Blank + Takin’ Ya with Me combo, it is extremely effective and frustrating to play against.

You mean using a bounty hunter? That’s a 4-card combo though

You don’t really need all of them at once, two of them are usually enough.

Bounty Hunter + TYWM/Point Blank is really nasty I agree, but it’s still a combo that will only work in the right circumstances. FotD makes those two hit easier, but by then it’s a 3-card combo minimum, so it’s logical it’s powerful and there’s also a lot of cards to counter it. Shotgun/Soul Blast/Hired Help/Shield of Faith/Pistol Whip are all quite effective :wink:

PS: It’s funny how we’re talking about Law Dog power more in this thread than in their own dedicated one :wink:

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Well we are discussing specific match-up. Faster on a Draw is generally really strong card, I’d say its power level can be compared to Paralysis Mark, at least in Deputies deck.

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