Marcia Ridge + "Open Wound"

Hello! I am wondering how Marcia Ridge interacts with “Open Wound”. Can I spend GR from TS, but can only move people from the deed itself? I think the question might apply to more deeds than just “Open Wound”, but it was the first one I thought of.

The alternative seems to be that she works like Kabeda Hakurei and the “this location” means Town Square.


Other examples: Buffalo Emporium, Charlie’s Place, Cliff’s #4 Saloon, Hunter Protections, J.W. Byrne, P. I., Morgan Research Institute, Nickel Night Inn, Quarantine Tent, Railroad Station, Surveyor’s Office, The Mayor’s Office, The Town Hall, The Union Casino,
Compare and contrast: Explorer’s Lodge, Wagner Memorial Ranch,
Edge case: Shane & Graves Security (uses at this or adjacent deed, which maybe limits it to only at Deeds?)

Seen and Under Discussion.

Great question!

Marcia only acts as if you control the deed so it is referring to the deed itself, not her location.

Kabeda’s rewording allows her to handle the other bugaboos that Marcia can’t.