More Doomtown Videos

I recorded some games over the weekend, and I’ve put them up on Youtube. No commentary or fancy graphics as yet, but it’s something I might figure out in the future. I’ll hopefully be recording more games at future events I attend.

It’s possible I can find time to do other stuff. Tutorial videos are one thing, does anyone have any other ideas/thoughts on content? Deck building/breakdowns and strategy perhaps?


Ideas for a series on deck-bulding (as opposed to deck-piloting) aimed at newer players?:

“Starting Posses”
“Having a Game Plan”
“Structure vs Remainder”
“Construction Benchmarks”
“Archetype Considerations”


Things like this would be a great consideration for the “New Players” category we now have on the forums!

Games from the Tring Servitor Series event are now up on Youtube. I’ve not found time to do any editing or commentary, so I’ve just gone and uploaded the footage as with several weekend events in a row that I plan to be at I doubt I’ll get anything done in the near future.