On the subject of new cards: someone at the Pinnacle forums is working on cards for their RPG characters (Custom Doomtown Card Creator - Pinnacle Entertainment Group Forums) in case anyone here has hints/tips on putting together better looking unofficial cards. I can copy stuff across to that forum if anyone has any suggestions.
Here’s an idea I’ve had kicking around my head.
Claim Dispute
6 Clubs
React: At the start of the Upkeep phase, choose an Out-of-Town deed. You are considered to be that deed’s controller until the end of the upkeep phase.
Noon, Pay 1 Ghost Rock: Choose your unbooted dude at a deed. As long as that dude is at that deed, they are considered to have +2 Influence for determining control of that deed.
I really like seedy cards, and Sloan needs more “cheat to win” cards, so…
The Big House
Q of Diamonds (on value with Jimmy “The Saint”)
2 GR Cost, 0 CP, 0 Production
Keywords: Public, Casino, Seedy, Core
You may start this deed in place of one Sloan dude.
If the controller of this deed reveals a cheatin’ hand during lowball, lower their hand rank by 2.
(This would turn a 2-pair into a K-high and a 3oaK into a pair of Kings)
A new Sloane Grifter.
Maybe instead of having a “mulligan” ability, this character has a variable trait that may be “set” at the start of the game using their Grifter React (thus allowing a “read” of the opposing player’s outfit and opening posse). Something like:
“React, Boot: At the start of the game, choose one: This dude gains a permanent +1 influence bonus, this dude’s bullet rating is permanently changed to stud, or this dude permanently gains the Huckster: 0 skill.”
So yeah, in light of my topic discussion on changing how the game deals with structure, I offer up these card examples as my two cents on the issue:
Diamond Duds Casino
Deed, Jack Value, 4GR, +1Pr, 1CP
Casino - Public
Controller Resolution Repeat: Gain 1 ghost rock for each club in your opponent’s draw hand. If your hand contains five Diamonds cards, boot this deed to give your shooter a control point.
The Heartless Bastard
Drifter Dude, 7 Value, 2 Stud, 1 Influence, 5GR, 1UK
Resolution: During a shootout, if your draw hand contains no hearts, the Bastard is Harrowed.
If your opponent’s hand contains a heart, they must send a dude home booted.
If your hand is illegal, the Bastard has +3 bullets for the remainder of the shootout.
Coatl’s Seventh Son
Goods, 3 Value, 2GR, +1 Bullet
Weapon - Mystical
This dude is Harrowed
Resolution Boot: If your opponent’s draw hand contains any spades, they are aced after
the resolution phase unless your opponent sends his highest grit dude home booted.
Lucifer’s Luck
Action, 6 Value, 0GR
React: After revealing your draw hand, if it contains cards of only one color(red or black),
the hand cannot be considered cheating. Ace this card.
Fine work and love how you’ve taken these beyond simple hand rank manipulation.
I think my favourite card thematically and mechanically is “The Heartless Bastard”.
Miracle, J value, 1GR
Shootout Miracle 7: For the rest of this shootout, instead of taking casualties normally, your opponent sends one dude home booted for each casualty. If your hand is not cheatin’, your opponent cannot reduce casualties in any way that round, including sidekicks.
Ye Olde Tea Shoppe
Deed, 10 Value, 3GR, 1 CP, 1 income.
Controller react, boot: When a shootout happens at this location, after shooters are selected, move all dudes in the shootout to the town square without booting them, and even if they are booted.
Artwork: A man and a woman, dressed in Victorian finery, having afternoon tea, complete with a stand of small cakes on a doily-covered table between them. To the side is a heavily locked door. Behind them, the window is distorted like crown glass, and outside there is a brawl going on, with one dude recoiling from being punched in the face by another dude, with a line of blood spatter on the window.
This one is pretty interesting, fun thought experiment coming up with occasions when this would be useful.
Coup Stick
Goods, 6 value, 1GR
Weapon, Melee
May only attach to a Shaman dude.
Resolution Boot: After you win a shootout by at least 2 ranks, reduce the number of casualties that your opponent takes by 2, and this dude gains a permanent control point.
That’s very cool, thematic while being useful mechanically too. Putting on playtest team hat: Could even ease up the targeting restriction and/or decrease the GR cost?
I was glad that the Kickstarter got done without extra $ from “Design a card” or similar things being necessary, but this thread reminds me that there are plenty of cool ideas out there, so maybe Pinebox will go for that in the future? Or perhaps something like the charity “design a card” auctions AEG did?
I really like the idea. The rules lawyer in me feels the need to point out that the ability wouldn’t work as a Resolution, but would be a cool react ability with the requirement that the stick be in a he shootout.
Moonshine Joker
“This card is only used for draw hands and pulls. You choose its suit and value. If used for a draw, you must choose a value that has no duplicate value in that hand. If you pull this card for an experimental ability, you may ace moonshine joker to boot or unboot a gadget or mad scientist at that card’s location.”
Eh, while we’re at it, might as well throw in the rest of the ideas I had. Not all of them tie directly to the structure theme, but some are just ideas I thought various factions should have.
Grave Diggin’
Action, 9 Value, 1GR
Noon Job: Mark your Opponent’s home and give each participating dude one bounty. If successful,
play a dude from your opponent’s discard pile or boothill, paying 4 less ghost rock and
add them to your posse at home. This dude permanently has Harrowed and 0 influence.
Doctor Weird
(108) Dude, 3 Value, 2 Draw, 1 Influence, 5GR, 0UK
Mad Scientist 1 - Kung Fu 2
React: When your opponent pulls for a spell at this or an adjacent location, pull.
If the pull plus the Doctor’s grit is greater than your opponent’s pull, discard the spell.
If the pull is black, cancel the effects.
Sunday, Bloody Sunday…
Action 4 value, 0GR
Shootout: Name a suit. Ace all cards of that suit in draw hands after each resolution phase,
unless those hands are illegal. Ace this card after this shootout ends.
Mad Pip Madestro
(Sloane) Dude, King Value, 3 Stud, 2 Influence, 7GR, 1UK
Each time your opponent reveals a hand rank of 7 or higher, Mad Pip gains 1 bounty
and your opponent must ace the top card of their deck.
Curly Hinkle
(Law Dogs) Dude, 9 Value, 2 Draw, 0 Influence, 2GR, 1UK
Shootout: Discard a card from your hand to discard a random card in your opponent’s hand.
If your discarded card was a spade, ace the opponent’s card instead.
Jethro Crimson
(4th Ring) Dude, Jack Value, 0 Stud, 0 Influence 4GR, 0UK
Jethro has a bullet bonus equal to the number of dudes in yours or your opponent’s boot hill
(whichever is higher).
Monterey Ford
(Morgan) Dude, 10 Value, 1 Draw, 2 Influence 5GR, 2UK
Shootout: Discard a card from your hand to give a dude +1 bullets.
If the discarded card was a diamond, that dude gains +2 bullets instead.
Outlaw Thug
Goods, 4 Value, 2GR
Costs 1 less ghost rock for (Sloane) players.
When discarded as a casualty, your opponent must ace the top card of their deck.
A win condition for owning and maintaining Saloons and Casinos. Maybe with some kicker involving Transient dudes.
This could be a Legend, a Unique Goods, an Action on a Low Value (such as A, 2, or 3), or a “super” Deed that is adjacent to every other deed in town?.
Many 108 decks are good at generating infinite might, but being unable to leverage that might because Spot Removal cards are either to high cost or value. Ideally, this card could remedy that by saddling the opponent with the dilemma “if you don’t come over here and fight, you advance my game state.”
Threw in Casinos because of their unexplored design space and to allow horizontality across other factions as well.
A Sloane dude who improves the chances of quickly being able to play a gun.
Maybe a grifter who shows his hand, or “fetches” from lowball by making the hand illegal, or a dude who must boot as a shootout play, or “post-posse formation” react, or who does a job marking an opposing deed, or who boots the home and pitches cards into the discard pile… lot’s of ideas there.
Seen a lot of love for Melee Weapons recently - looking for more for Firearm Weapons, which, could also be a clarifying Keyword…
I love the idea of an Outlaw weapons dude who fetches cards from Lowball and makes that Lowball hands illegal. Doesn’t even need to be a grifter, so they stay useful for the whole game? Good way to extend the Outlaw cheatin’ theme without making it overpower Shootout Cheatin’ punishment.
Could be non-Unique for balance perhaps?
A way for Mad Science to manipulate grit-stats (Value, Bullets, Influence) as a noon action. By manipulate I mean more interesting than just reduce; consider such verbs as alter, blank, copy, steal, or treat. Perhaps these gadgets are experimental.
Two options open up here. One is running Forced Quarantine, which could be very thematic, as a spot removal card for an aggressive shooter deck. The other would be to explore the design space for a Control-style Mad Science deck that avoids shooting.
I’ll leave you with some Classic art.
Yep, the doggo du jour for Doomtown: Reloaded is Bramble, Wylie Jenk’s pooch.
Eagle Warden dudes and goods that play together. Perhaps with a trait that says “You may boot your Shaman instead of paying this card’s cost” (a la Bacillus Pasteuria) or even “You may boot your Shaman while playing this card to reduce it’s cost by your Shaman’s skill rating”. This would mark it as EW but easily allow it to slot into other decks (especially if the cost is cheap).
Design space has already been set open for First People to play around with (Mystical) goods / weapons that improve their bullet rating. Consider the following two cards:
Shootout Spirit 7, Boot: Choose a dude. Remove all bullet modifiers from that dude, except from their attached Weapons. That dude cannot leave the shootout via card effects this round.
The Mixer
Shootout: Choose a dude. For the duration of this shootout, that dude ignores all bullet modifiers except from attached goods.
The problem is, many Wardens / Spirits actually get bullet bonuses from effects these cards would actually turn off(!):
Charging Bear
Gene North Star
Jim Cheveyo
Joseph Dusty Hill
Mick Aduladi
Sarah Meoquanee
Smiling Frog
Zachary Deloria
Strength of the Ancestors
War Paint (not explicitly “EW” but worth mentioning)
My wishlist is thus two-fold:
- Create a Dude / Spirit / Totem who “Peacemaker’s” (protects) bullet bonuses from your own attachments / card effects
and/or - Create Mystical / Non-mystical goods or weapons that grant bullet bonuses (+1, +2, become stud, etc…) for EW dudes specifically / especially
A Mystical goods / gadget / deed / action / job that bestows something along the lines of “Choose any dude. That dude gains the Abomination keyword [for some interval].”
Calls back a memory of the classic card Bloody Face…
Maybe the target needs to be Prime (grit 11+) or Wanted or Afflicted (value/bullets/influence currently below printed level).
However it goes, the idea is that you can make your own dude an Abomination and/or an opposing dude an Abomination. There are already a number of cards that interact with this keyword (such as Absalom Hotchkiss, All or Nothing, Buffalo Emporium, Essence of Armitage, Gateway, Holy Wheel Gun, Karl Odett, Kevin Wainwright Ex, Oddities of Nature, Quimby R. Tuttlemeir, Skinwalker) and it would open up design space for even more; notably including the “grit hunting” Fearmonger theme and perhaps synthesizing the two Lawdog themes of “falsified criminalization” and “weird science” (whereby the latter becomes justification for the former).
Love the art on the new spoilered Bayou Vermillion Railroad!