New Spoiler: Epitaph Branch Office


I like this deed, I think mostly because it isn’t bonkers, it’s just strong and speeds a deck to victory if they are dominating the board while opponent hides or builds.

It is pretty bad for landslide. Doesn’t suddenly pop you 2 CPs. Doesn’t combo too easily with Bai Yang Chen. Demands that you control the deed and have a influence dude sitting at their home. I foresee this is going to make some tough decision on opponents, which is great.


If you can get this rolling, it is a reasonable way to put pressure on a slide deck. Ideally you’d be using a temporary influence dude via Yan Li’s/Ambrose Douglas etc so your proper influence is still able to deny your opponent income during the upkeep phase. Every CP built up over a few rounds can help push you to victory or at worst help if a match goes to time. It isn’t a silver bullet, but it can help as part of the puzzle.

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You have to use a new dude each time, too, since it says “and no control points”.