It works for you, because you’re the page owner and you’re sending people to the dashboard (which is otherwise private)
My link was broken before but I’ve fixed it now
It works for you, because you’re the page owner and you’re sending people to the dashboard (which is otherwise private)
My link was broken before but I’ve fixed it now
Lets hope some people will join our very small community, we cannot really do more, I just regret not doing it few moths earlier.
Thanks, I fixed a link, I am new to that streaming thing, I promise to be more careful in the future.
Thanks for posting these! It is definitely great to see cards being used (Miracles, mainly) that don’t see much play in my local group.
There are two new videos in Past Brodcasts section of my channel. I believe the games were relatively interesting, again we didn’t avoid making mistakes
Mplain is making a play I didn’t realize was possible. So William Specks can noon action boot to invent a gadget onto a different dude? I know this is a rules question, and don’t want to derail the thread, but it’s regards to the games being played in it. How does the play at 4:00 on “swider versus mplain vc3 part 1” work. You said Kayle invents with Specks help. If Kayle is inventing than it’s a noon action performed by Kayle. If it’s Specks noon boot ability, than shouldn’t the neutralizer be on Specks? What am I missing?
Speks doesn’t invent the gadget if he’s using his gadget ability. Another mad scientist has to do the inventing with his added ability.
This is because Specks has to boot to activate his ability, and can no longer invent a gadget (since he’s already booted)
Yes. Specks cannot use it on himself, be needs another dude.
Yep, Kyle invents, and William helps by providing a discount. Check out this ruling from the FAQ.
Oh, and don’t worry, rules questions about the games we play are not off-topic in this thread, we’ll gladly answer those
So I just recorded few games against Mysticpickle, you can find them on my channel in Past Broadcasts. We played Sloane vs Gadgetorium. Also in past broadcasts you might find few other recordings from last week, all against Mplain.
FYI past broadcasts are deleted automatically after a few days. If you want to retain them, you need to make them highlights
I know , it is two weeks now, but thank you for a tip anyway. I believe that a number of highlights you can have is limited so I want to pick the most interesting games and then move them there. At the moment I am working at forming a group of players, that are willing to be on a stream and stream themselves, so there will be more content , possibly on more channels, with different POV. BTW we discovered (during lowball) that when we reveal the hands at the same time, the cards just stay on the draw hands and you cannot reveal them by right click → reveal lowball hand.
You can always just export to youtube to have unlimited amount
I might do it this Saturday, need a bit of time to chose content.
I created a channel just for OCTGN and uploaded few videos there, but the quality of those videos is much worse than the original recordings on twitch, anyone can tell me if it is fixable?
How did you upload? Did you use twitch’s function to export highlights directly to youtube?
Yes I have, I want to avoid uploading the files from my PC if possible. And I think I don’t have them on my disk anyway.
That always had good qualtiy for me. Did you wait until Youtube was finish processing?
Yes, I checked it today and uploaded it yesterday.
Dunno then. :-/