Premium set advice

I had been looking at Doomtown Reloaded since I first heard about its pending release last year. I finally took the plunge last week, and in a large way, by buying the premium set, which I ordered new in the shrink wrap and outer cardboard box. When I opened the wooden carrying case, however, the red, felt lined divider was cracked in multiple locations.

Now I doubt this would have been much good anyway in the long haul, so I am not too broken up by it. That said, I was wondering if anyone had devised a another way to section the wooden box to better organize the two sets of cards, poker chips, ghost rock pouch, etc.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

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I used some thick foam cardboard and glue to divide into compartments for the cards. Works very well!

Are you referencing foam core? If so, I have been looking at some examples on the web and think this is probably the best way to go; that way, I can build it in the format I think will best work.

Thanks for the input!

Yeah I think so - not a native english speaker.

I can post a picture if you want?

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That would be helpful! I greatly appreciate your assistance!

Here goes:

Thanks for sharing the photo; that is very helpful and not so different than what I was thinking. My wife and I were going to a hobby store today to look for the foam core and get started on it. The beauty of this is that I can customize it for my storage preferences.

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