[Preview] Ol' Fashioned Hangin'

Does Bad Company still give you the bonus ghost rock? That’s one hell of a silly combo if it does.

Hmmm, probably not. As I understand it, it’s 4 EXTRA ghost rock on to of the bounty, you’d need to claim the bounty to claim the bonus

Bad Company

Responsibility is defined in the same way as bounty payments, it must be the direct result of a card ability or as a shootout casualty.

If it’s the same way, then you cannot claim the 4 gr for your own dude.

It’s rather too bad that the mark isn’t restricted to opposing dudes…as has been noted this leads to some rather weird combos of lynching your own dudes for profit which I doubt is really the design intent of the card :confused:

Hrm, the Jail, Avie, and Recruitment Drive are all on the same value. Just sayin’.

Actually, Recruitment Drive is a 10. You probably mean A Coach Comes To Town, but I’m not sure how that combo-es with Hangin’ anyway?

Avie and Jail too

Oops… =_=

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I tried building a deck around Hangin’ and Confession:


I start Wendy to make the best use of the new job.
Since I want to utilize Confession, I took Rev.Perry and some other miracles that are reliable to cast: Shield of Faith and Walk the Path.
I opted for The Arsenal over the base outfit because I don’t want to pay upkeep for Lucy, and I have too few influence dudes to issue warrants.
This is a rough first draft, I still need to dilute the structure, take some cheatin’ punishment or Faster on the Draw.

Still, I’m not even sure it’s all worth it building around the Hangin’ rather than just playing Kidnappin’ and Bounty Hunters.


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I think it will take a few tries to get right. With the right Arsenal build, I think the aim is to make your opponent paranoid. Try to give 2 bounty on all their important dudes, which means that as long as Wendy is unbooted, you can threaten an instakill anywhere on the board, regardless of bullet rating, as soon as one of them strays from the pack. Add to that the capacity to call out while booted and it should make for some nasty area control.


Somehow my rather lengthy reply to this yesterday didn’t get applied. Weird.

In any case, I’m not sold on the particular build you present. Relying on Confession as your lone source of bounty generation means those 4x Hangins could become dead cards early on and clutter your hand. And without them your offense/aggression is rather limited, even out of the Arsenal, because Inbody isn’t really someone you want waltzing around calling dudes out and you have limited Blesseds other than him.

Also, Confession really works best on Inbody when your opponent is on your half of the board. You have to expose him a good deal to go after anyone anywhere else. Don’t get me wrong, I like Confession, but I’m not sure I like relying on it as the primary way to generate bounty on opposing dudes.

Personally, my first thoughts for builds around Hangin centered on either a 4/5/7 or a 5/7/8 build out of the base outfit.

  • 4’s give you B&B’s which can turn the base outfit into +2 bounty/turn potentially, Town Council for easier issuing of warrants, Philip Finds Trouble to aid in your jobs, and Prescott for cheap influence. The one weak spot is the Hearts value because the goods are not very good and LoH will fail to cast with most of the draw structure.
  • 5’s give you Confession for bounty generation, Elnore Rine and Andreas for solid influence, obviously Hangin’ and Pistol Whip,
  • 7’s give you Kidnappin’ for some non-wanted-based aggro when needed (as well as comboing with the Jail), Pintos to aid in getting to all of your jobs, and Androcles for some extra economy to support your aggro.
  • 8’s gives you Sister Otwell on-value for backup Blessed, Bounty Hunters for extra aggro, Evidence for alternative bounty generation (and DR meta), and solid deeds.
  • With a 5/7/8 build you could splash your aggro across values, such as 2x each of Hanging, Kidnapping, and BH. That would allow you to grab other useful utility actions on those values (Pistol Whip, Pinned Down, This’ll Hurt) without diluting your aggro.

Obviously that’s all subject to change based on whatever else comes out with NTB.

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Here’s an example of what I’m thinking: Deckbuilder · DoomtownDB

You make many valid points on which I agree with you. The main reason I went for The Arsenal is because I wanted to avoid paying 2 upkeep. 8’s are a very solid value all-around.

However, I do see some weak points in your build as well.

  • While my build relies on Rev.Inbody too much, yours seems to underutilize him. His ability fill fail on 5’s, and your only miracle is Confession, which is just one of several ways to put bounty on opposing dudes. You could be starting Jake, Andrew, or even Tommy instead of Rev. Perry.

  • I have two backup Blessed dudes (Felix and Abram) and 2x Recruitment Drive, while you only have Sister Lois Otwell - her skill of 0 makes her pretty useless in this deck since she’s unable to put bounties on enemy dudes, and she will fail collecting bounties on 5’s.

Overall, will your deck not become better if you just drop Rev. Perry, replace 5’s with either 3’s or 6’s, and just take more Kidnappin’ and Bounty Hunters instead of Ol’ Fashioned Hangin’?

Hrm for some reason when I was constructing the deck I thought Otweel was Blessed 1 :slight_smile: That changes things a bit.

To be honest I’m kinda hoping NTB gives use another startable Blessed 1+ in general, because as you pointed out Inbody isn’t the best fit, but he is the only affordable starter.

Maybe a 4/7/8 build with Hangings off-value…