[Preview] - The Curtain Rises


Is there time to save Gamorra?

Some new allies have helped Sheriff Grothe uncover secrets that point to something amiss in the Fourth Ring circus, prompting the Law Dogs to make their move. But is it too little, too late to save Gomorra?


Is that the true face of Ivor Hawley showing again? Doesn’t look like the other guy is having a good day…

Looks like we’re going to see whatever evil plans the Fourth Ring have been up to coming to fruition fairly soon!

oohhh, that’s interesting, things reaching a head with the clowns

Looks like Mr. Hawley needs some Aveeno.

I noticed that the 4R Logo is printed on the front and side of the box. Will this set focus exclusively on 4R?

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Maybe it is a hint to some sort of rotation.