Recruit a Drifter

Sort of in the vein of ‘experience a dude’.

Say you get a choice of one drifter to experience and have him join a faction. Who is it and which faction would you have 'em hook up with?

Personally after the dust up between Sloane and Law Dogs, I see Olivia Jenks helping out her husband more.

How bout you guys?

Well, Steve Wiles is pushin’ up daisies :stuck_out_tongue:

So how about Jackie Isham helping out the poor, beleagured Clowns constantly coming under attack :smiley:

Mario Crane joins the Law Dogs, has a slight Dominion problem and becomes a one-man good cop/bad cop duo.

The Sloane Gang and the Law Dogs are each down a lawyer. They next clash in the offices of B&B when they both send a posse to recruit Androcles Brocklehurst to their side.

On a more serious note, Max Baine could assist the 108 Righteous Bandits in taking down the MCC.

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