[RULEBOOK ERRATA] Shootout/Resolution ability restrictions

A rulebook errata has been issued for pages 22 and 23 concerning the rules for shootout abilities and resolutions. It now includes a provision for abilities or resolutions affecting goods and spells:


Since announcing an errata to Doyle’s Hoyle last Monday did not cause a riot I’m going to try again by announcing a minor errata to the rulebook section on Shootout/Resolution abilities. This change will cause a reversal of a prior ruling issued on Elander Boldman XP.

Previously the appropriate sections of the rulebook read:
DTR Rulebook, page 22 OLD VERSION wrote:
Shootout abilities you use must come from either an action card in your play hand (which is played and discarded), or printed on one of your cards in the posse. You can also use a Shootout ability on a card that’s not in a posse, but only if that ability would bring a dude into a posse. Shootout abilities can also only affect dudes in a posse, unless that ability would bring a dude into the posse.

DTR Rulebook, page 23 OLD VERSION wrote:
Resolution abilities used during a Shootout can only affect dudes in a posse, unless that ability would bring a dude into the posse.

(emphasis added)

The new text for these paragraphs should be as follows:
DTR Rulebook, page 22 NEW VERSION wrote:
Shootout abilities you use must come from either an action card in your play hand (which is played and discarded), or printed on one of your cards in the posse. You can also use a Shootout ability on a card that’s not in a posse, but only if that ability would bring a card into a posse. Shootout abilities can also only affect dudes or their attached cards if they are in a posse, unless that ability would bring a card into the posse.

DTR Rulebook, page 23 NEW VERSION wrote:
Resolution abilities used during a Shootout can only affect dudes or their attached cards if they are in a posse, unless that ability would bring a card into the posse.

These minor changes will not affect the majority of cards or have much impact on the way you currently play the game. They just take the same concepts we’ve been using to determine which dudes we can affect with our shootout/resolution abilities and apply them to other card types also. The chief effect this will have in the post No Turning Back environment will be to prevent Elander Boldman XP from being able to use his ability on gadgets outside of the current shootout. Although we don’t anticipate this being a major change in his power level or usefulness as a card, it brings the mechanics of his ability in line with the intent/vision of the designers and the way many players feel “makes more sense”.

These changes to the Rulebook will be included in an upcoming FAQ/Errata/Clarifications document. If you have any questions about this ruling please let me know.


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Good, that’s the right thing to do.
Still, I find it illogical that the studliness is given to the dude directly and not to the gadget.

BTW, did anyone understand the first part of this ruling? Why does Antheia give a +3 bonus to Slade’s re-pull if his ability is not a huckster skill test?

Actually, if it’s not a huckster skill test, he shouldn’t be adding his hickster rating to the pull, right?

No, that’s a good ruling. She’s adding to the skill check. It’s a new pull, but not a new skill check.

I don’t understand :frowning:

As I read it, Slade’s ability lets you React to a failed Huckster skill check pull, allowing you to make a second pull for the skill check. As it’s still the same skill check, all the same modifiers apply, so he gains the benefit of his Huckster skill and Antheia’s trait if they’re in the same posse.

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Hmm. Actually, looking again at Slade…

He says you use the “value” instead, but doesn’t actually alter the suit of the pull. So it would seem antheia should only trigger based on the suit of the original pull, and ignore the suit of the replacement. The rulebook’s pretty specific that suit and value are two different (though obviously related) things.

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OK, to the rules forum then!