Sacramento, California Sheriff event 8-15-2015

Ok, here is a quick summary of Sacramento’s Sheriff event.
14 Players.
Furthest drive: Richard Carter from Bakersfield, CA - 287 miles
Out of State: Rocky Borg - Reno, NV.
Total distance covered by event - 421 miles All 8 outfits represented (original/new home)
4R - 4 (3/1)
LD -2 (1/1)
MCC -4 (3/1)
SG 4 (2/2)
And Congrats to Sheriff Richard Carter. And yes, we have a Deputy -
Jessie Crawford. Here is how it went down - 4 different outfits in the
top 4, made it easy to divvy the best of outfit shot glasses: 1. Richard Carter MCC (4-0)
2. Jessie Crawford 4R (3-1)
3. John Jon Del Arroz LD: Arsenal (3-1)
4. Rocky Borg TSG: DRow (3-1)
5. John Wesley (John Nida) LD (3-1)
6. Ben Moyer 4R (2-2)
7. Ronneal John Santos 4R (2-2)
8. Zach Seldon TSG (2-2)
9. Richard Collins TSG (2-2)
10. Corrin Mana MCC:Gadgetorium (1-3)
11. John Vieira MCC (1-3)
12. Sky Sithbunkerd 4R:OoN (1-3)
13. Dominic Dee TSG: DRow (1-3)
14. David Orange MCC (0-5)
T.O. aren’t supposed to compete, but no one wanted byes, so I played
Washington Generals with my LilyBomb MCC Hex/Shooter - e.g. the
jankiest jank I have in the box tongue emoticon I do believe everyone appreciated their swag hauls grin emoticon

Yeah - the shop has been waiting on AC for a while and it was kinda
funky, but the sandwich/salad service was great, and everyone showed
true sportsmanship and camaraderie. The after party was suggested
by Rich Carter at Flaming Grill - 9 of us went and chowed and chugged
down. I’m afraid, however, the Weird East can definitely drink us under tongue emoticon Then we had a mini-DoomSac posse reunion at Great Escape games playing broken Classic decks in 3p matches. Good times

I had a lot of fun at the event. It was my first tournament so it was a good learning experience. Thanks for putting this on.

Just so people are aware even though the first place winner was running Morgan it was a hex based control deck. I didn’t play him but from what I understand he was using morgan for the economy to pump out deeds while locking down your dudes with hexes (paralysis mark).

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Ah, another victory for clowns then =_=

I’ve played earlier versions of Rich’s MCC Hex deck and IIRC it also uses phantasms to move folks around (e.g. out of range of joining shootouts or jobs or defending).