Hey, just wondering if anyone else noticed that the back of the cards that came with the Servitor kit have a very noticeable blue tint compared to the original cards?
Anyone know if this will continue with TCaR and beyond?
I’m not too concerned, since I sleeve all my decks, but I know some players who won’t be happy if they have to buy sleeves to use the new cards…
Hi Kemikos! I can verify the promotional cards in the Servitor Kit come from UK printers so that they can be readily available for us for organized play. TCaR and all cards included in it are coming from the same printers used by AEG from their run on Doomtown: Reloaded to provide consistency.
David Lapp
Community Manager
Pine Box Entertainment
Please also note there have been printing irregularities even with the AEG era product and as such opaque sleeves have been mandatory at all official events since the beginning of the game.
My graphics guy and I were discussing this, in CMYK printing, if your blacks and greys contain colors, instead of just black, printing errors can cause there to slight tints to the black, making it take on cyan, magenta or yellow hues.
Perhaps in future releases PBE can look into making the card backs mono black to avoid printing inconsistencies going forward.