I was unable to specate very many of the games, but I did manage to watch and make a written record of the game Zeetoois won against Prodigy. Here it is if anyone cares to read.
Prodigy vs. Zeetois Den of Jokers - OCTGN Top 8 · DoomtownDB
First couple days: Prodigy plays a few miracles, and engages to take out Travis early, killing him with Censure. Zeetoois builds The Oriental, and Bairds, Prodigy builds The Gommora Gazzete . Prodigy runs a lone Steven Wiles to take on Barton, Theo, and Makio at Bairds. Zeetoois takes out Steven by 1 rank, so he is standing strong on the board.
Next day: Zeetoois gets Carters out with Bairds and hires Jose Morals on. Prodigy continues to develope his blessings. Prodigy uses Law Dogs home to bounty on Barton, and gain GR (with Gazzette) . Zeetoois establishes a strong line on the town square. Prodigy playes a High Stakes Haven, which Zeetoois is not willing to contest.
Next day: Zeetoois play Walters Creek with Bairds, putting all four of his 10 diamonds into play, and hires ‘Slim’, as well as more hexes. Prodigy sends a lone bounty hunter against Barton. Result is a tied hand rank, and forces a casualty on Maria since Zeetoois has no grifters to activate his home with. Prodigy goes all in on the Town Square for a shootout. Father T is hit with Unprepared. ‘Slim’ joins with Shadow walk then discard the spell to make all dudes draw. Prodigy plays This Will Hurt In The Morning on a tied full house, makes a 2 pair, but is brought back to full house with Theo’s joker. Casualties trade Prodigies pedro for Makaio.
Next day: Line up is Nabbe, Hattie, Rev. Perry, Willa and Father T in Town Square for Prodigy. Barton, ‘Slim’, Jose, and Theo at their home for Zeetoois. Zeetoois presents a constant threat of hexes, and 4 strong on deeds against Prodigies 4 influence, but Prodigy has very strong casualty reduction and cheating punishment miracles, if they don’t get unprepared. Doris joins Zeetoois’s gang and Jose gets a soul blast, a very deadly card against low value dogs. Prodigy plays out Hunters Protection and puts a Control Point on Hattie than unboots with Rev. Perry. Steven joins Prodigy for the day, and Zeetoois waits. Hattie boots to Carter’s looking to take out Doris, followed by Father T. Zeetoois plays Kidnapping on Nabbe, time is running out, so this is last action! Influence and Control Points added up at current board is 11 Zeetoois, 12 Prodigy. Rev. Perry, Steven, Nabbe, and Willa defend against Jose and Barton. Rev gets blasted with a King draw and is aced. Slim joins and Nabbe answers back to become a stud 3. Cheating 5 OAK against a Cheating Full house. Zeetoois is down by 2. The Winning Aggenda against Prodigy brings them tied. Willa and Jose discarded. Next is a Zeetoois with a 5 Oak against Prodigie’s full house, Prodigy down by 4 and no answers means good game, Zeetoois Wins.