Sloane gang..... Shamans? Why the hell not

It’s a very silly deck based around a very silly idea. Abuse Harry Highbinder in the town square to drop totems out and use them to help run town square jobs.

Totem rules: Unlike a normal Spirit, when a Totem enters play it must be attached to a LOCATION you control, at which you have an unbooted Shaman. – Location, not deed :smile:

Have fun.


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This is really weird. Seems fun though. Gonna suck if they can stop your first DRow job.

Thought about Harry at first, but I think it’s easier to do the same thing using Buffalo Rifle.

The problem with the Rifle is that it’s a Jack so you have to sacrifice the extra tokens from many speak as one on gthe same value (which is also a good source of stay in the game influence)

It is still much better then paying all the upkeep with Harry/shamans

Well, you don’t really have to pay any upkeep for Black Elk.

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