Spam on Rules Forum

Wow this is pretty serious.
For those that follow the rules forum, when I checked Monday at midnight eastern time the latest rules post, from what I can see, was on page 87 (when I checked Sunday at midnight eastern it was on page 9):

This question, asked June 5th, is currently unanswered:

(Previously answered here and here)

To navigate, and to find where the spam ends, I changed the value of the “start” variable in the url (ie, change “4300” to “4400” to jump forward 2 pages).


Can’t help but imagine this is the work of some disgruntled L5R player.

:frowning: Yeah it has happened some times now…

Well the latest pack is called 'the curtain RISES? ’ :joy::joy: so maybe it has something to do with that lol.


i had to go to page 168 or something to find the rules.

Rules forum looks like it has been cleared. So glad to see it’s usable again. The plague seams cleared for the rules forum, maybe there is hope for the rest of gammorah.