My guess is that it is like Deputy. It has no special rules by itself, but will be referenced later by other effects.
There might to be a card missing. I count 39 different cards not including outfits. 13 bandits, 12 wardens.
It’s a type of orca (killer whale) that migrates and hunts seals, as opposed to Residents who stay at one place and eat fish mostly.
Also it might refer to the fact that you play this dude for cheap, use him for a turn, and discard him by not paying his upkeep. In this sense, Steven Wiles, Bobo, and The Fixer should also have this keyword
Shamans get tokens instead one dude, sadly.
The box says 162 cards inside, that’s two outfits, 4x each of 39 cards, and 2x each of two tokens.
I counted the tokens as cards, otherwise there would be 37.
2 outfits
13 x 4 bandits
12 x 4 wardens
5 x 4 kung fu
5 x 4 spirit
2 x 4 goods
2 x 4 tokens
equals 158 cards
I think he’s right, actually. Check the FB thread. It looks like we’re missing card #23.
yeah I brought it up there too. hopefully there is another hidden warden. Oh god I hope someone gets this reference but it must be the invisible swordsman
#23 is Bloody Teeth, so we’re missing #25, another Jack.
The Pack Awakens - if i’m not missing anything, you can attach it to you home and then use the ability to bring a token into any shootout anywhere, as long as you have an unbooted shaman at home. Meanwhile that same shaman can cast Spirit Dance. Nothing on these two cards indicate that the shootout has to be in this location. That seems crazy strong!
P.S. Asked on the forum
Best art of doomtown
Cheap and near of a stud 3
oh wow!
Yeah, the new factions are really impressive! Very different styles and some really cool mechanics. just from initial impressions I’m pretty in love with the Eagle Wardens and I’m mostly certainly picking them up, they’ve got some interesting Influence mechanics and I really like the design for Spirits, the token angle is very cool and I had a feeling they make make them deed oriented (ie totems) And they’ve got a number of draw mechanics, always nice. Really loving the flavor.
Not as thrilled with the 108. Like, they’re cool! No doubt about that, and the kung fu concept is a really neat mechanic, kudos to the design team. Their flavor just doesn’t ring that interesting to me though, though I’m certainly curious to see where they’ll go from here. But I like the low value inversion they’ve got going on here, that’s a very nice change of pace and means 108 decks are going to look probably more different from anyone else. I am a little wary about how many ‘global’ effects they have, it just involves getting them to move to ‘dispel’, but still some -very- strong effects and not every faction can move opponents outside of gunning them down.
So this is literally just a faction pack, nothing to see here for deeds, goods, or drifers. Good call in my book, so people don’t feel compelled to grab the pack if they’re not interested in either faction. Thumbs up to AEG.
Oh and for folks not digging the outfits, keep in mind, rumor is Light Shineth and the following expansion (Dirty Deeds I think?) will be Pine Boxes with 3 Outfits a piece, almost certain to mean that the 108 and Wardens will get a new outfit each.
And really like the K mechanic, I’m a fan of faction specific mechanics and it’s great seeing design actively trying to make outfit leaders more playable.
You’re close but not exactly
Just a heads up here guys.
Kung Fu is really fun. Combos are intensely satisfying - and extraordinarily powerful. If a dude is Kung Fu 2 or higher, he’s gonna wreck your world. Take care of him ASAP.
Oh and for folks not digging the outfits, keep in mind, rumor is Light Shineth and the following expansion (Dirty Deeds I think?) will be Pine Boxes with 3 Outfits a piece, almost certain to mean that the 108 and Wardens will get a new outfit each.
My initial guess was 2 outfits for the new factions and a neutral one, but maybe it is 2 for the old ones and 1 for one of the new. Then the remaining outfits in SB #8. But that is too far in the future to speculate about
Without going into details, I think that both factions are relatively strong, and I like this kind of introduction. I was really worried about this faction pack being a big letdown. It looks like giving us plenty of quality dudes was a good choice, I cannot wait to test them in play.
Looking at the cards again it seems you could do an incredibly hard starting posse for the 108 using Benjamin. Then if you didnt get the deeds to support their upkeep in day 2 you could discard as much as you can and get a new hand for day 2.
Hmm… I see possibilities!
I just love with the passive aggro start of B&B (Benny and Bai), then giving Bai some Nunchucks and sending him to sit in their home, and daring them to do something about it
Exactly and if they put down a deed - let Abuelita saunter over there while Xui Yin Chen takes town square. They are all over this place!!!
And Btw I can sse where I can use my alternative art ‘The Stakes Just Rose’ - that card is excellent with the 108…