Strategy Articles

Do you like Doomtown Reloaded strategy articles? If so, what would be your preference?

  1. Written articles with screen shots of actual games
  2. Video walk-throughs of actual games, with audio commentary

I have all these videos of recent games with no sound, and figured I might do something with them if there was enough interest…


Great idea. :slight_smile:

Like all right-thinking folk I prefer written content to videos. Much faster to digest and refer back to.


  • there are probably more people who can produce articles than their are who can do good videos, so a video might actually be better.
  • articles can’t replicate the play by play experience and feel for tactics you get from watching a good match on video.

I could even try to do an accompanying article and then we’d have the best of both worlds. Delighted if you have the time and energy to do both, which is secret option 3 and the best option.

I’m not sure if Pinebox have managed to get learn to play videos together, but learn to play material, deck construction, tournament games and how to play against particular strategies (slide, control, spirit fortress) all seem like interesting topics.


i’m more the video content guy but I do like both options

@Pr0digy if you are talking about videos of your OCTGN games and you are asking for feedback, I think it is better to mention it. As some people suddenly might prefer something else :slight_smile:

As someone capable of writing 2,000+ words about Doomtown without really thinking following events, I’m very much a written article guy. However, videos and podcasts are also cool (though less accessible at work) and a wider variety of media is going to be more helpful than not.

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