I really like this card, excellent art and supports a more aggressive 4R, particularly Full Moon Brotherhood with his excellent trait.
Plus he’s the first 4R Huckster since Bad Medicine.
I think you can fit him in to a decent starting posse: him, Valeria, Arnold, Ambrose and a bullet catcher is only 16GR and effectively 4 Influence with two studs, two Hucksters. Both FMB and the original 4R home would start with 3GR and have two net income.
This is the second card attacking a zombie… Is that Deadlands novel where Ghost Rock is revealed to have unnatural properties canon to Deadlands setting or just a book? I feel like it was about a Zombie Apocalypse…
There are a lot of Walkin’ Dead around in the Weird West, and they feature quite often in the RPG artwork. Ghost Rock is a weird supernatural substance that fuels a lot of the goings-on in the Deadlands setting (often literally!). Are you talking about the Ghostwalkers novel? I read that not too long ago and found it an enjoyable read. I’m currently midway through Thunder Moon Rising which I’m liking even more and to me does a very good job of capturing the feeling of the Deadlands setting.
I really like when non-King dudes have “If your outfit is X” as part of their ability. Makes them seem more important and committed to their faction despite having no influence (Zachary Deloria is a good example).
Also for anyone who hasn’t figured out why Zeb is restricted to 4th Ring, Zeb + Dave “Slim” Gorman would be crazy powerful. You can still run the combo, but playing “Slim” off faction will cost you 3 upkeep so maybe hold off on that.