I had an idea which I will first explain around and then suggest as a “downtime game” for when other doomtown players are holed up together. You see, for those of us that sleeve our decks, the curse of 52 cards (really 56 now) is worse than when buying a 6-pack of hotdogs on an 8-pack of buns as we throw away those excess two buns wastefully. The problem stems from the fact that most sleeves are sold by the 100-count, and were it not for being consistently 10 sleeves shy of sheathing two entire Doomtown decks, would be a perfect number of sleeves. As I have nothing against the base-10 number system, instead of making demands on the companies that produce these products, I suggest the following rules:
52 Curse
Rule #1: Bring all your extra sleeves in a separate box with your name on it when sharing an overnight space with other Doomfolk. Make sure you bring at least 5 sets of 30ish color-matched sleeves for variety and sufficient volume.
Rule #2: As a group, determine a Sleeve Station in a common space for all participants to place their boxes of unmatched sleeves. It is understood that boxes in this area are “fair game” for 52 Curse in accordance with the third and final rule.
Rule #3: In your free time (often people are pre-occupied with various activities, including actually playing Doomtown), you may rifle through another player’s box at the Sleeve Station and try to match some of your 30ish sleeves to their 30ish sleeves color-wise, and if you succeed, are free to combine this into a usable batch of 60ish sleeves around which to sleeve a new Doomtown deck. The spirit of this rule is “Give a Penny, Take a Penny” and as such participants are encouraged to use their judgement.
That’s it folks.