The Light Shineth Preview - Margaret Hagerty

“Sloane shot the Sheriff!”

“Don’t worry, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better than he was. Better, stronger, faster.”

(Six Million Dollar Dave Montreal?)


I could see a really interesting story line in Law Dogs future if this happened. The Blessed Law Dogs with the righteous fury of God, and the Mad Science law dogs: something something RoboCop.

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Maybe? I’d have to crunch the numbers, but I don’t think relative cost-by-strength is going down at all. However, we aren’t seeing a lot of new statstick dudes (like say Wylie Jenks) which tend to cost more.

Consider her against Roderick Byre though, for example, and I think her cost is appropriate. She’s a slightly better dude, but for that she costs slightly more (5/0 tends to be net cheaper than 4/1).


Then, it’s me I guess ^^".
But I see all my starting posses in LD filled qith cost 5 dudes with upkeep and I feel the grass is greener somewhere else…

@Pachinko I don’t think the price of dudes has gotten lower in the sense that the formula for pricing dudes has changed. There just have been a lot more lower costed dudes lately. Lots of 3 cost 1 brass 1 influence +decent ability dudes.

As for Margaret Hagerty. I would be shocked if this wasn’t a sign that we would be getting more gadget dudes. If we dont her value does drop a bit. Still a second neutral MS could help open up that theme in different factions.

Between Val, Dabney, Roderick, and now Margaret (I don’t count Dr. Dawn much, she’s pretty bad) I think a MS build out of 4R is looking potentially viable.

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Possibly. The biggest push for that (at least for me personally) is if there was a new gadget dude who was mystical. Perhaps even an abomination. The biggest problem for 4th ring gadgets is that the faction as a whole is significantly geared towards hexes, and in the current state of the game it is difficult to justify ignoring the primary theme of a faction in exchange for something else. Especially when that their primary theme is so strong.
Not to be a downer but as a competitively minded person i am personally most interested in cards when they are both fun and good. And i can only hope that this new push into the 4r mystical gadgets can support both of those things.

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I would suggest you check the other threads in this forum right about now :wink:


and there you go.

The Wretched is practically built for a 4R MS archetype. Turn your Pagliaccio’s into 4-studs and then recur the original dude.

I’m a bit irked that both The Wretched and Forced Quarantine are on values that are already obvious power values for 4R (Paralysis Mark, Blood Curse). I think it might have made for more interesting deckbuilding choices if they presented a compelling alternative instead of just supporting the current powerhouse builds.

Well, I don’t think kill jobs and Gadget Aboms really support Control Clowns though.

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I don’t think they’re as distinct as you are portraying them. The control clowns I play against can shoot the fly off the nose of a womp rat from a T-16 already. They’re power values are already tightly packed, it’s pretty easy to get a 45-48 on-value cards with that archetype and not lose key cards you want. Forced Quarantine is quite good for them.

The Wretched perhaps less so because it requires a pretty substantive shake-up in your starting posse and deck focus. However, I do see 4R MS decks still packing hucksters (Valeria & Funtime at least). So if they have hucksters and are running 8’s already they’d be stupid not to run PM, quite frankly.