The Light Shineth Preview: Michael 'The Badger' Dodge



That’s a very oddly specific ability o.o

He’s got a ‘built-in’ experimental gadget in his steam-powered arm. It’s a bit of an odd one, but it fits with the 108 theme of not fighting alone and looks like it’d work well alongside the Zhu Baije techniques.


Definitely not what I expected from the first new Bandit, but a pretty good ability and on value for Hot Lead Flyin’, so fine with me.

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I wonder if we’ll also be getting the fez-wearing guy in the Light Shineth…

Finally we get a reasonable penalty for failing an experimental pull. However, it’s very, very sad that the bandits get better experimental gadgets than those who are supposed to have the best scientists (I’m looking at you Morgan Cattle Co.).

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It seems really tricky to build a club-light 108 deck. All their abilities rely on clubs. OTOH, turning a 3 draw into a 0 draw isn’t a huge deal in most shootouts. Even if your deck is 1/3 clubs, the penalty for failure is mostly just not having the ability go off. You could also just pretend the second ability isn’t there which makes him a decent melee-er.

Still, 108 already has a lot of low-cost dudes that kick arse… I don’t see myself using this guy in a standard kung fu, but perhaps his usefulness will become apparent with some other cards.

I think he looks interesting - like burningmime says, interesting trade-off on whether you play kung-fu actions and risk his ability failing to give out the bullet penalty. That said, there are many times when just booting somebody key in a shootout can be handy (Wendy Cheng, Nathan Lane or even Arnold McCadish so he can’t save himself!) - also helps if you think there’s a point blank coming.

Just as importantly - anyone got any guesses on the number of dudes each faction gets this time? He looks like card 6 of the set, with the 4th Ring dude card number 10. Trying to take some educated guesses on whether they stick with 3 dudes each in a pinebox or cut it to 2 each now that we’re up to six factions. Or maybe they give the two new factions 3 dudes and the established factions 2 each?

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I think the wise guys says that the revealed saloon is card number 20 and this is number 6. So the first 3 might be the new outfits and then perhaps the 2 jokers? That would leave 14 cards for dudes or 2 for the old outfits and 3 for the new… ?

That would leave us with no drifters, but perhaps the jokers are at the end of the numbers, giving us 2 drifters?

This is the kind of detective work I’m after! :smile:

Jokers were at the end of the numbers in the base set, right before the tokens (albeit we’ve only see the base set jokers so far, but tokens have always been at the end of the number distribution).

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I think the idea is to put Nunchucks on him, then he can use them to try the pull again if he buggers it up? :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow what a beast! This guy can get really scary fast.

Nunchucks would help if they allowed you to pull again, but unfortunately they just lower the value of the pull.
Cool idea having an experimental gadget arm. Too bad Testing Range won’t help out if you pull a club though.

So I guess his trait turns off if you SIYE him, eh?

Nice card! Even nicer story! Some great robin hood style justice there.

Good question, kinda reads like it can’t be turned off as long as he holds the goods?

Looks like this question was answered here:

Just like with Pearl Handed Revolver, Flamethrower, and the Bio-Charged - even though it states your dude is a stud he can still be changed to a draw.
The trait isn’t a constant effect, it’s a one-time check that can be further modified.


Another comment on the club-check for his ability is that the ability is not a total dud should he fail the check. The targeted opposing dude still gets booted no matter way. It’s only the 2nd half of the effect, the -3 bullet rating, that is tied to the pull.

That’s even stronger than simply failing altogether. The club-based pull is really about getting a bonus effect, not for working at all.