The Shift to Pine Box Entertainment

The Gomorra Gazette forums are set to become the official forums of Pine Box Entertainment LLC. What does this mean? Expect a theme change. A logo change. And a second point of entry - in the immediate future.

In the extended future - expect some restructuring to support multiple product lines. And some shifts in the mod team.

While these aren’t insignificant changes, we will continue to run the forums with the same philosophy we always have.

Here’s to moving forward! :beers:


This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.

Whoa. Everything went white.

We’re working on the theme right now, expect a few more changes. We thought it best to just leave em open during the shift. This white is a little harsh, it’s not hanging out.

I mean… at least the white matches DTDB.
Also I really like the Pine Box Logo. For some reason coffins like that always scream “welcome to the wild west” to me.

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The logo looks really cool :sunglasses:


I’ll second @Doomdog on the logo. The first things my brother and I bought for classic were a couple of pinebox starters and a mouth of hell starter, so it reminds me of the Pinebox edition (last century!). :slight_smile:

Relieved to hear that management agree on the white glare. “My eyes, my beautiful eyes…”

Bravo on all your hard work Alex - I’ve run play by post rpg forums and know how much of a pain shifting permissions around, fixing settings etc is, on top of everything else you (and others) have done.


Yay! Thanks for keeping the dream alive!

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Nice logo

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Can we get a prominent link back to the main site from the forums?

I want to be able to get back there easily, but I can’t seem to be able to once I go into here. :frowning:


This topic is no longer a banner. It will no longer appear at the top of every page.