Tse-Che-Nako's Weaving - unboot to

Hey dudes,

I have a question about general templating as it appears on the Weaving Spell. On the card, it says:

Noon Spirit 7, Boot: Move one of your dudes to a location adjacent to this Shaman. You may unboot this deed to give this Shaman 1 control point until they move.

Does the boldened text mean you only get the control point if you actually unbooted a previously booted deed, i.e. is this totem useless on cards that have no boot ability (like Maza gang Hide-out)? Or can you unboot an already unbooted deed?

Thanks in advance!


You can’t unboot something that isn’t booted, so you can’t get the control point (you can move one of your dudes, though).

Luckily, you can use a Totem like Silver Pheasant’s Bounty to boot the Maza Gang Hideout, and then unboot it for a control point.

As an official response, yes you must complete the first line, you get nothing else on the card if you can’t do that. As pointed out above, there are several ways to boot a deed with no boot ability of its own.