UNOFFICIAL Dirty Deeds SB7 Spoilers thread (through 11/16/2015)

Even more amusingly, they make running Law Dog Gadgets out of Abram’s Crusaders work - Andreas and Mortimer suddenly become genius scientists who can hold their own in a fight. Okay, it’ll restrict you to non-weapon gadgets, but you’ve still got plenty of toys to play with and your scientists won’t be pushovers.


Kabeda Hakurei… Is Eagle Wardens / shaman? Name and art work seem more relevant to 108. Guess she defected.

Sounds more japanese than chinese and she dresses like a shinto priestess, so I guess she didn’t defected.

Someone keeps slipping in Touhou references on these cards. And they’re getting less subtle.

Not all of the Eagle Wardens are strictly Native Americans, and even among that group they seem a diverse set of tribes. There’s Jackson Trouble as the most obvious example, but also like Mazatl is from Mexico if not South America.

By her art I’d guess she’s a Japanese shrine maiden and Shintoism about spirit worship, so I imagine it’s the japanese parallel to ‘american’ Shamanism in the Deadlands Universe.

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Yeah… “Someone”…

Also, what they said, she’s Japanese, and a Shinto priestess. Shinto is a shamanistic religion, so she’d have skills to offer the Wardens. None of our factions are mono-ethnic, not the 108, and not the Wardens. They might have most of their people be from a certain background because of how they were founded and where they can do their recruiting, but they’re all about something much more important than race.


Thanks for clearing that up…didn’t know about the Shinto Shamans.

Just my opinion, but a game based on the weird west is not the best place to place anime references, or in other words, they’re not the references I’d like to see.

108 and EW outfits llok nice, but they don’t seem to change their playstyle significatively(high influence and swarming) I prefer the original outfits, but it’s probably me as I haven’t played them enough yet.

The transient keyword has a nice theme, powerful entering into play effects and high upkeep, here today gone tomorrow, back to the deck where they keep the draw structure stable.

And if I’m doing my numbers properly(which is a miracle as I have to take off my shoes to count more than ten) if we continue with this 2:1 proportion of releasing dudes for the new outfit in each saddlebag and 3:1 in pineboxes they’re going to catch up in two pineboxes and eight saddlebags time.

Both Eagle Warden outfits are about location control, but a deck that wants to control town square and one that wants to control deeds are vastly different. I’ll admit I’m not convinced the new 108 outfit is any good… Seems hard to guarantee having lower money than the other player without crippling yourself early on, but that remains to be seen.

With 108 Worldly Desires, it feels like you want to spend as much of your starting cash a possible, then use the home to manipulate a lowball win. In later turns when you’ve got The Extra Bet in play, you’ve got even more chance of being able to manipulate the gambling phase in your favour. You want to keep spending to make the most of it. If we get a few more Transient dudes, it might work well for a deck based around cheap dudes who show up for a turn, do their thing and leave.

Alternatively, invest in Voting Machines :stuck_out_tongue:


Or let Clementine try her luck at the Union Casino towards the end of every noon.

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Make the Ballot Counter useful? You truly are mad!

Man, looking at these spoilers I’m still struggling with building an Abram’s Crusaders deck that I like on paper. I feel it is sooooo close but I am missing 1-2 key tools still. I feel the Outfit just lacks a clear win condition.

Traditionally I’ve viewed LDs as the “kill opposing influence to win” faction. Anyone can use that strategy but LD are arguably the best at it, or at least pursue it most aggressively. The base outfit obviously splashes bounty to allow you to use various anti-wanted aggro cards like BH, Hangin’, Clyde, etc. The Arsenal has built-in aggro right from the start.

Crusaders on the other hand…just boosts stats. It’s nice and extra influence can help control the town which another perfectly viable strategy but not one LD are really built for as a faction. You can also pack non-wanted-related aggro like Kidnappin’ obviously…but again then you’re really no better off than whatever any other deck can do.

Fiery Rhetoric I think offers a really interesting alternative win condition for the archetype, but there just are not great tactics available to Blesseds right now to add bounty to the board. Ebenezer is one of the worst dudes in the game sadly (and his bounty is reactive, not proactive) and then there are numerous discussions that I won’t rehash on how it’s hard to utilize Confession with the current crop of Blesseds.

I feel the archetype (most specifically out of Crusaders) really needs a better way to add bounty. If so they can tap into the traditional aggro tactics and Fiery Rhetoric, while still retaining the “Blesseds offer protection” take on the approach.


You can also dominate the board and use Union Cassino to buy CP. Otherwise as you said Confession is your best friend. And you forgotten about Evidence.

I haven’t forgotten about it, it’s just somewhat hard to justify cards only to conditionally trigger other cards. Especially with Blesseds where I feel they have such limited space for the tools you need already. It’s also a Heart that doesn’t trigger either Crusader trait, something I think you’d want to maximize in the deck as much as possible.

Right now I’m toying with a 9/10 shooting build that just tries to get astronomically high bullets and then relies on EDS for supplemental aggro so that I don’t have to worry about bounties/wanted.

Fair enough :).

Deadlands has a long history of out of place refences, Hell On Earth more so.

[DD] Crusaders: The Crusadering (9/10)

Abram’s Crusaders (The Light Shineth)

Dude (13)
1x Andrew Burton* (Frontier Justice)
1x Erik Samson* (Dirty Deeds)
1x Jake Smiley* (Election Day Slaughter)
1x Rev. Perry Inbody* (Faith and Fear)
1x Tommy Harden* (Base Set)
1x Angela Payne (Election Day Slaughter)
1x Clyde Owens (Base Set)
1x Deborah West (The Light Shineth)
1x Gang Yi (Double Dealin’)
1x Mario Crane (Double Dealin’)
2x Sister Mary Gideon (Nightmare at Noon)
1x Xiong “Wendy” Cheng (Base Set)

Deed (12)
2x Baird’s Build and Loan (Double Dealin’)
2x Bunkhouse (Base Set)
1x California Tax Office (Faith and Fear)
1x Carter’s Bounties (Base Set)
1x Circle M Ranch (Base Set)
1x Gomorra Jail (Frontier Justice)
1x Morgan Research Institute (Base Set)
1x St. Anthony’s Chapel (Faith and Fear)
1x Surveyor’s Office (Double Dealin’)
1x Undertaker (Base Set)

Goods (6)
2x Stoker’s Sabre (Nightmare at Noon)
4x Jael’s Guile (Dirty Deeds)

Spell (9)
4x Consecration (No Turning Back)
3x Holy Roller (Faith and Fear)
2x Lay On Hands (Faith and Fear)

Action (12)
4x Election Day Slaughter (Election Day Slaughter)
2x Magical Distraction (Base Set)
2x Recruitment Drive (Base Set)
2x Tail Between Yer Legs (Election Day Slaughter)
2x Unprepared (Base Set)

52 cards with printed value (required 52)
Cards up to Dirty Deeds

Deck built on DoomtownDB.

That’s what I’ve got so far. You’ve got a pretty solid shooting caste with Erik, Tommy, and Burton. Inbody is there for LOH and unbooting, obviously. Smiley does what Smiley does, much as I hate it.

I’m toying with the idea that my bullet bonuses and protection can allow me to get away with a 2x16 draw structure instead of the traditional 3x16. That allows me to gobble up all the off-value tools I feel I’m currently just unable to grab in the 3x16 structure. There’s also a huge amount of anti-Cheatin’ in there to keep an opponent with a tighter structure a bit more honest.

I went with EDS over Kidnappin’ for my non-wanted-based aggro primarily because of the higher value. That lets my Blessed 0’s cast LOH if I lose Inbody or if I draw both, and it’s a better kick in the teeth for Magical Distractions.

Also, I did purge some bullet bonus granting items I originally planned on including like FOTD and SOTS because they just got out-competed by more useful things. So the bullet bonuses probably don’t get “astronomical” but getting a 4+ stud into most fights shouldn’t be that difficult between the weapons, Holy Rollers, and Consecrations. Possibly multiple such shooters, to protect from debuffs.

I’d love to see Suitcase Li show up as a drifter - that dude is totally a Jackie Chan character!

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Not a big fan of magical distraction in your deck. I feel like the chance to draw a low value is way to high