Values in need of some love?

Not to smash your dreams, but bullet-reduction is purposefully not on high values :wink: There is a price to be paid for getting unfailable skills :wink:


Agree, King dudes are too expensive for current economy. Meanwhile J.W. Byrne is great cheap dude at Q value. We need something similar at K rank.

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I would like to see non-unique dudes or deeds in general.

I want more interesting options at higher levels, but I’m with db0 on this one. Those low values need to be worth it to tempt you into dipping into failing pull range (see QUATERMAN, Soul Blast, etc.)

And we do have Quaterman and Soul Blast, and we do take them off-value. That doesn’t tempt us into taking low-value actions though, that just leaves us with no bullet-reducion capabilities. Quaterman and Soul Blast are deck-defining, but taking Suns off-value in a skill deck would just be lame and boring =_=

OR, give us some gadgets that would cut bullets or remove enemy dudes from the shootout. Clowns have Blood Curse at least, we scientists need something similar.

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That’s a hex thing, not a gadget thing :wink: The best Gadgets can do is HWG.

I seriously hope the card pool never has every effect represented at every value via every method possible. I’m exaggerating a bit, but I think you get the idea. There needs to be a lack or a surplus of item X at value Y across the board or the game will become a lot less interesting.


Deed wise 8’s and 5’s only have 2, while the rest have 3 or more. I know the devs want to be careful of landslide decks, but I feel there are better ways to reduce landslide abuse than to stagnate the diamond choices. I know 8’s and 5’s are extremely popular from actions, goods/spells/gadgets, and dudes. That’s why having such poor selection of 8’s and 5’s of diamonds is so aggravating.

Kings have an extremely poor selection of spades, which makes every non-spade king card immediately scrutinized far more than if it were another value.

Before FJ I would have said 6 of hearts, because the only none skill dependant card was roan, now pure cowboys have another option.

Hearts wise, almost everything 9 and above is geared so hard toward skill pulls. I understand that skill decks want 9+, and bullet effects are usually lower value, but it leaves the few non skill cards in the upper values so lonely I rarely play them, especially if they don’t work for my skill decks.

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I would really like to see another option for 9 of clubs to help non hex decks try out a straight flush build at higher value. The new king and J cards makes me want to, but the 9 ruins it.

Value has very little to do with a deed’s viability for landslide.

Your typical LS deck is concerned more with deed efficiency. Cost to Control / Cost to Production ratio.

LS can’t shoot for shit anyway so values are redundant for them.

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Deed wise 8’s and 5’s only have 2, while the rest have 3 or more.

Have you counted new deed from Frontier Justice? 5s have 3 awesome deeds at value right now.

Also I do not rememer any value that has more then 3 deeds.

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10’s have four deeds. Wouldn’t be surprised if we get 3 more core deeds in next SB.

I’ll add my voice to the ‘non-hex hearts at values 9 and higher’ chorus. I’d also like to see another 8 deed (is it the only value with only two options now?) and some fleshing out of the 6 value - I like the hearts and clubs there now, but spades and diamonds I’m not sold on.

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9’s feel super-weak. Pretty much all the hearts and diamonds feel mediocre, and the clubs at least have Cheatin’ Varmint and Tail Between Yer Legs, and those are good, but nothing which makes you feel super-compelled to play 9’s. 10’s and J’s feel significantly stronger to me, even though they’re higher values.

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+1 on 9s needing a boost in general. I wanna play an Eve/Dawn deck and need some better 9s to support it.