Why change Fancy New Hat ruling?

We don’t want to go back and change the rules after you’ve already gotten used to them working a certain way, but sometimes it becomes necessary. In regards to reversing a previous rule on the Fancy New Hat; it only protects the dude wearing it while he wears it. We came to this conclusion for a few reasons.

  1. The wording of Fancy New Hat seems pretty straightforward. The dudes influence cannot be reduced by other players abilities while wearing the hat. It says nothing about past influence modifiers.
  2. We had to answer a question about the Knight’s Chasuble which had a similar wording. In order for both of these cards to work properly and simply, they needed to work along the same lines.

Snap that really empowers conditions and a few other cards . ( not that condition decks are dominating the current tournament environment)

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Yes it does. It also keeps Knights Chasuble from being a cure all against conditions.

So this changes the rule book then ? The after a shopping action to check if things are legally attached part ? Does that no longer happen ?

In short, no.

The limit that you speak of only applies to limits provided in the rulebook. For instance, it does matter to Jack o hara if he had his text blanked by FMB and was carrying two weapons. He would be above the rulebook limit and need to drop a weapon. Same is true if Luke the errand boy moved a horse gadget to a dude that already had one. That dude would need to lose a horse. That is because the rulebook has a specific limit to horses and weapons.

The rulebook has no set limit for conditions.


Just wanted to say thanks to the rules team for explaining things like this clearly, publicly and for including their thinking.

As noted above, “Knights Chasuble” would indeed crush condition decks (which seem interesting to play with/against, without being over powered), so this ruling is helpful for balance and in making the rules more intuitive.

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Which is a bit unfortunate, really, since I seem to recall that knights chasuble was intended to be exactly that.

I thought it was meant to be a defence against conditions being attached, rather than an easy way to remove conditions simply by swapping round an item? I’d be surprised it that was the original intention, although this is before my time on playtest.

Thematically and mechanically it works well as condition prevention rather than cure. If it is both prevention and cure even one copy of this effectively shuts down a condition deck (which isn’t/wasn’t such a strong deck that it needed that kind of silver bullet). :slight_smile:

Yeah but now I feel like there isn’t much reason to play the card at all now . I would much rather have had the card not be tradeable but what is done can not be undone lol :grinning:

That’s interesting feedback, thanks. I think it’s still a good card (1GR for +1 influence) and appears in a lot of decks on dtdb including the 2017 GenCon winner, and I don’t think it is in those decks as condition meta with a defensive ability (Decklist search results · DoomtownDB). I could be wrong however, so always interested in seeing what shows up in decks and how people feel about cards. :slight_smile:

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At Gencon there was a conditions deck floating around which was pretty good . Was the ruling on this in place at gen con ?

I don’t think it was in effect at GenCon.

I never thought that attaching this would remove any existing Conditions from a dude before the Fancy New Hat ruling was made, and I still thought that Knight’s Chasuble was a decent card (hey, any 1 GR for 1 Inflence card can’t be bad). You can still use it to protect a dude from Conditions, meaning they can safely move to locations with Tummy Twisters, avoid being Lost to the Plague and can’t be removed from play with Forced Quarantine (I think they can still be targeted by the job, and the leader would still get the CP if successful though). With horses being a strong choice at the moment, the React is a nice counter to Run 'em Down and Ridden Down, and means that a Pistol Whipped dude may be out of the fight but isn’t stuck at home booted. Plenty of other effects it helps against too.

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The ruling is recent. It was not in effect at Gencon.

Mostly it’s in decks as a solid 5 of hearts, with the condition defense bieng a minor upside if it ever becomes relevant.

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Indeed, hope it continues to fill that role while still giving condition decks some room to breathe (not sure that fits the plague theme!). Pleased the card pool is larger now and there area few choices on 5H. Appreciate all the hard work from previous playtest/rules members too. :slight_smile: