Why is "Controller" printed on some deed abilities?

Most deeds, especially from early in the game, list “Controller …” in their ability. Some deeds don’t do this (Extra Bet is an early example, but Kiva and Red River in the latest set are others… though Rham’s also has the wording, from the latest set). Is there any functional reason for this?

Every ability in Doomtown is a controller ability, as far as I know, so I’m unsure why the wording is there, and further unsure why it’s only sometimes there.

Section 3.9 of the rules:

The controller of a card is the person who gets to make all the decisions about what the card does. Whenever a card refers to “you,” it is referring to the controller of the card.

Seems to make this line on page 17 superfluous:

Most abilities on deeds can only be used by that deed’s controller, whether or not the controller is also the owner. This is noted by the word “Controller” in front of the deed’s ability.

Is that line on page 17 implying that the behavior is different if “Controller” is not printed on the deed ability?


I am awaiting a response from our team regarding why there was the change in templating to provide some clarity if possible.

All the above mentioned Deeds can read as if they are Controller abilities for rules purposes.

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There was a templating error in which it had been removed due to a decision that all Deeds would be Controller acted and then added again for reminder clarification.