Winning decklists from Sheriff events

Strange Assembly posted a very interesting series of articles about the balance of factions in L5R. Acoo gathers decklists from Netrunner tournaments and Stimhack analyzes the data.

It would be interesting to do the same for Doomtown, to see how often do different outfits see play and how often do they make the cut. And if all TOs decided to collect this data before the events actually happens, it would be much easier to do than gathering info afterwards.

I know that the floor rules say that TOs are supposed to collect 1st and 2nd place decklists and mail it to AEG, but I don’t have much faith into this official process.

So I propose that all TOs collect data on the distribution of factions/outfits in the Sheriff tournaments, and how many of them make the cut into top 20%, and that all top 2-4 players submit decklists on their own accord. And post it all here on this forum, of course :slight_smile:

At least the outfits, but if you could be more specific (gadgets / hexes / miracles / horses / deedslide), that would be even better.


If only the community had someone who tries to gather all this information together already, and post it as some kind of rankings table…


1st Toulouse (France) store winning Deck :
law dog bounty tricks (2/3/8)
1x A Andrew Burton *
1x A Jake Smiley *
1x A Lucinda “Lucy” Clover *
1x 9 Xiong “Wendy” Cheng *

2x 10 Too Much Attention and not unprepared.

Sheriff Ludiworld (France) 1st place

The Sloane Gang (Base Set)

Dude (13)
1x Allie Hensman (Base Set)
2x Avie Cline (Base Set)
1x Barton Everest (Base Set)
2x Clyde Owens (Base Set)
1x Jake Smiley (Election Day Slaughter)
1x Lawrence Blackwood (Base Set)
4x Steven Wiles (Base Set)
1x Travis Moone (Base Set)

Deed (15)
1x B&B Attorneys (Base Set)
2x Baird’s Build and Loan (Double Dealin’)
1x California Tax Office (Faith and Fear)
1x Carter’s Bounties (Base Set)
3x Circle M Ranch (Base Set)
1x General Store (Base Set)
1x Gomorra Jail (Frontier Justice)
1x Pony Express (Base Set)
1x Railroad Station (Base Set)
1x Shane & Graves Security (Frontier Justice)
1x St. Anthony’s Chapel (Faith and Fear)
1x Town Council (New Town, New Rules)

Goods (6)
3x Doyle’s Hoyle (Base Set)
3x Quickdraw Handgun (Base Set)

Action (18)
2x Coachwhip! (Base Set)
2x Faster on the Draw (Faith and Fear)
2x Make 'em Sweat (New Town, New Rules)
2x Pistol Whip (Base Set)
2x Rumors (Base Set)
2x Sun in Yer Eyes (Base Set)
2x This’ll Hurt in the Mornin’ (Faith and Fear)
4x Unprepared (Base Set)

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Top4 Decks from Cracow Sheriff event 2015.07.18. There were 19 players.

1st: Cracow Sheriff Event 2015 Winner, Next Level Hot Lead · DoomtownDB
1st: Cracow Sheriff Event 2015 Winner · DoomtownDB
3rd: Cracow Sheriff Event 2015 3rd Place Fourth Ring Control · DoomtownDB
4th: Sheriff Event Cracow, Hex [4th place] · DoomtownDB