Wretched and Ancient Spirits (Tokens)

I made a “joke” deck for a weird monster mash of Eagle Wardens and abominations, then a question popped.

Can an Ancient Spirit (brought by Many Speak as One, for example) be used to cover the “ace a dude you own and control in the same location” requirement for inventing a Wretched?

The requirement “own and control” was covered [(rules compendium 0.7, page 24)](file:///C:/Users/hicha/Desktop/doomtown_rules_compendium_v0.7.pdf) for No Turning Back, and the text in The Wretched doesn’t specify “non-token dude”, but I find it a bit odd and possibly against the spirit of the card (pun unavoidable).

If it’s possible, Mad Science is Mad (and sciency) after all, and it’s possible to re-materialize a long gone spirit, all the more reason for the poor thing to scream “WHY?!”

Can anyone confirm this?

It’s cool, you can hammer grandpa’s ghost into a robot corpse.

You can also have ghost grandpas rob places with This is a Holdup! or use the Telegram Office after they rise form their grave.


You can also use Clown Carriage or Serendipitous arrival to consume nature spirit with the wretched.

Official RT response:

Yes. You own and control that token, it can be used to cover that acing.

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