Zachary n' Enapay at the OAA

Everyone knows Zachary and Enapay are best friends. Soon they will have a new Office to base their shenanigans out of:

Zachary Deloria
0 Stud Bullets
“If you are a First Peoples player, Zachary has a bullet bonus equal to the highest influence among your dudes at his location (including himself).”

1 Influence
“Enapay has +2 influence during High Noon.”

Office of Ancentral Affairs
“Noon Job, Boot: Boot your leader and mark an in-town deed that has less than 2 control points. Your posse must have 3 or more bullets. If successful, the mark permanently gets +1 control points. If unopposed, you may attach a Totem from your discard pile to the mark, even if you don’t control it, nor have a Shaman there.”

In other words, The interaction between “Job” + “Your posse must have…” + “… at his location”?

Or plainly: When does a job check posse requirements; before or after the posse moves to the location of the mark?

Or specifically, can Zachary join Enapay for the Office of Ancestral Affairs job from different but otherwise legally-adjacent locations?

Thanks in advance!
(Looking forward to this new home as a lovely alternative to BTV btw…)

Edit: Depending on how the question is answered, I may have a followup question too…


Seen and under review!

So, Thankfully, there is a step by step process in the rulebook that breaks all this down. Most players just do all these steps in one lump since it’s easy enough to do that way most of the time.

Paraphrased, but

The formation of the leader’s posse follows a special routine for jobs. Note all of these steps happen sequentially and before any opposing posses are formed.

  1. First, unbooted dudes at the location of the leader can join the posse by booting. Once you’ve selected all of these dudes, you move to the next step.
  2. Second, any unbooted dudes adjacent to the location of the leader, may boot to join the posse (but do not move to the location of the leader). Once you’ve selected all of these dudes, move to the next step.
  3. Third, all dudes currently in the leader’s posse move sequentially to the location of the mark. Once your current posse is at the mark, you move to the next step.
  4. Fourth, any unbooted dudes adjacent to the location of the mark may boot to join the leader’s posse and move to the location of the mark. Once you’ve selected all of these dudes, you move to the next step.
  5. Fifth, any dudes at the location of the mark may join the leader’s posse (even if booted)

All five of these steps are part of forming a posse for Jobs. The details are usually not that important, but in this case with Deloria, they are. All your dudes for the posse will be chosen and moved to the location as part of forming the posse. So Deloria would have his bullet bonus by being at the same location as Enapay when checking to see if the posse is legal.

Just to be clear, if the posse isn’t legal, the job can’t be attempted. So, the posse would have to be put back where it came from if it wasn’t legal. No free moves from the job card!


Confirming this ruling remains under DTWW rules.