Doomtown Patreon Story Poll: Wendy's Future

It’s an exciting and tragic time right now in the Weird West, pardners. The domain of Death has taken not only the Earps, but the beloved Lucy Clover, leaving Wendy Cheng shattered with grief. If you don’t know what we’re referring to, take a gander over to the Gomorra Dispatch and catch up on the latest Doomtown fiction.

While Doomtown is our flagship game, storyline votes are something that will be applied to a variety of properties we have at Pine Box. Players in the seasonal storyline events have been able to alter the course of the fiction laid out in Doomtown. While we love rewarding players that attend these global round-ups, we recognize that not all folks can make it out to in person gatherings. For this reason, we’d like to provide the opportunity periodically for you, our patrons, to discuss and vote on these fictions, having a direct impact on the tales that we spin.

For our first Patron vote, you must decide the following. Will Wendy stay in Tombstone to uphold the law and fill the void left by the fallen Earps, or will she head east and follow Stone in a trail of vengeance to find a way to stop Lucy’s killer.

We hope you enjoy this voting process put in place by Pine Box and look forward to hearing your
feedback as we continue to release new gaming products and regularly engage you in these exciting ventures.

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We’d also like to present two spoiler’s from Hell’s Comin’ With Me that represent the Tombstone conflict.

Judge Wells Spicer with art featuring Lucy testifying in the aftermath of the Street Fight.

Battered Banjo featuring Stevie holding off some walkin’ dead while Jen and Outang ride off to Tombstone. While their images were cut off, they will be fully featured in an upcoming ‘Calling the Cavalry’ promo available in the Spring 2020 Organised Play kit expected this March to coincide with the HCWM release.



As determined by you, the Patrons, Wendy will stay in Tombstone to uphold the law and fight what is to come from the Servants of the Reckoners.