2015 Sheriff Event Victories by Outfit

I wonder what the winning Oddities decks look like. Just regular high value spell control, with a different outfit? Or something original?

The one I watched on stream was a shooter based on As, 2s and 7s. Didn’t start Pagliaccios, so they were fairly disposable. Hunter Protections and Allie Hensman (with Hired Guns to fetch her) as alternative CP generators.

Very roughly something like this: Black Moon Oddities ¡ DoomtownDB

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The Cincinnati Sheriff Event was one by one of my playgroup using Oddities. Here is his deck list: Cincinnati Sheriff Winning Deck ¡ DoomtownDB

Yep, the Cincinnati deck is your normal clowns, Paralysis Mark and Blood Curse are strong no matter where you put them :slight_smile: Although I wonder at the lack of Phantasm, I’d think Oddities are at its best when you can neutralize all opposing dudes, and finish the last one with the outfit ability. Otherwise you’re one clown down.

David Lepp’s deck is some crazy shit man :smile: I have no idea how it wins vs. control, be it regular clowns or landslide, or any other deck with mobility that doesn’t want to engage you in town square. But he won two large Sheriffs with it!

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Is David’s posted?

David said he’ll post his decklist after Gencon.
He also said that it’s only several cards different from what Epimer came up with :slight_smile:

Totally understandable. I just thought I might have missed him posting it.

Whoops, didn’t mean to spoil his super secret tech!

That is so weird IMO. Not that the deck works, but why run this out of oddities and not SDrow fx? Is the few inf and the boot action worth it… don’t see it :wink:

4R took home the Sheriffs event in Stockholm today


Updated with the Stockholm result. Does anyone have the Stockholm number of players?

Also, I added Laura Scott’s Origins victory. I was standing next to her at Gen Con and helped her confirm that Origins was billed as a Sheriff level event. Mark Wooten himself declared that Origins was in fact the first Sheriff Badge Event, and went and got her the badge.

Finally, has anyone heard from Malaysia?

Looks like Morgan got their first Sheriff victory :smile:

@goreshde’s Scatter Slide


Replied on FB too.

Stockholm, 7 players:

3 x 4R
3 x DR
1 x LD

Posted winning decklist on DTDB (available in the tournaments section).

I am writing a torunament report for Stockholm.

Good games!

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Looks like Morgan got their first Sheriff victory smile

@goreshde’s Scatter Slide10

Which Sheriff Event was this? His description says it was for a local Monday night tournament, but the title just says Sheriff Event.

it’s this guy, I believe, you could ask him.

August 8th in Laval:

Victory was Law Dogs - standard outfit.
Winning deck ran Bounty Tech and went 3-0 with 8 players.

I don’t have the deck info or the player’s name, but I’ll ask the T.O. if he or the player wants to post here.

August 8th in Laval:

Victory was Law Dogs - standard outfit.
Winning deck ran Bounty Tech and went 3-0 with 8 players.

I don’t have the deck info or the player’s name, but I’ll ask the T.O. if he or the player wants to post here.

Thank you for the information, if you can get it I’m only interested in the player’s name.

I have results for this and Kalamzoo. Has anyone heard from Chile or France?


Hey! The winner of the Laval Sheriff event was David Boucher. I did the decks for him and chose to give him Hang Em High, which won the Middlesboro Sheriff. I wanted to give him a fun deck, and the reason I picked this was highly skewed because of the reaction he got when I showed him the latest pack, in particular Ol’ Fashioned Hangin’.