2015 Sheriff Event Victories by Outfit

Ah so this was the winning deck?

Yeah, the only thing I wasn’t sure was Rafi but we gave him a try, and couldn’t really find a better alternative.

Updated, but I still don’t have results for several events in the last two weeks.

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@RichCarter did it, yay! :slight_smile: Was it slide or quaterman?

It was actually Morgan Hexes. According to our conversations at Gen Con, he’s been working on the deck since the release of the Base Set.

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Ah, this one. Yep, hexes work well with any outfit and starting posse.

Five registered Sheriff events this weekend, and the winners are: two 4R Hex decks, a Morgan Hex deck, a Desolation Hex deck, and - yay! - Law Dogs, no hexes!

Hex Control Build - looks like Fourth Ring, but it is Morgan. Tourney Report and Decklist forthcoming


Updated with St. Louis #2.

Hey guys, the opening post lacks two Likes in order to grant the poster the “Nice Topic” badge. If any post deserves it, it’s this one huh! :smile:

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Done. Really appreciate all the work.

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Updated with the August 22nd Clown Sweep.


Updated for the past weekend.

Another one

Thank you @db0 I will have to add that event.

Hello, everyone! As we enter the last month of the Sheriff Badge Event Season, I am trying to pull together the last of the information to complete my records of the first season. Any help anyone can provide would be awesome, as I haven’t had much luck contacting the stores or TOs. I am needed of the follwoing data:

Number of Players

  • 7/10 - Comic Commander - Ridgeland, MS
  • 7/19 - Padis - Madrid, Spain
  • 8/8 - Warpig Games - Santiago, Chile
  • 8/8 - JSST Jeux - Nice, France
  • 8/10 - Black Lotus - Leiria, Portugal
  • 8/10 - Wicked Comics and Collectibles - Albany, OR
  • 8/15 - Good Games Box Hill - Box Hill, Austrailia
  • 8/30 - Games Laboratory - Melbourne, Austrailia

Winner’s Name

  • 7/4 - Ludiworld - Paris, France
  • 7/10 - Comic Commander - Ridgeland, MS
  • 7/19 - Padis - Madrid, Spain
  • 8/8 - Warpig Games - Santiago, Chile
  • 8/8 - JSST Jeux - Nice, France
  • 8/10 - Black Lotus - Leiria, Portugal
  • 8/10 - Wicked Comics and Collectibles - Albany, OR
  • 8/15 - Good Games Box Hill - Box Hill, Austrailia
  • 8/30 - Games Laboratory - Melbourne, Austrailia

Winning Outfit Card

  • 7/10 - Comic Commander - Ridgeland, MS
  • 8/8 - Warpig Games - Santiago, Chile
  • 8/8 - JSST Jeux - Nice, France
  • 8/10 - Black Lotus - Leiria, Portugal
  • 8/10 - Wicked Comics and Collectibles - Albany, OR
  • 8/15 - Good Games Box Hill - Box Hill, Austrailia
  • 8/30 - Games Laboratory - Melbourne, Austrailia

Updated with all information I have thus far.

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The Vegas event is so weird. 12 players, yet a total newbie wins the badge, the runner-up also having ‘just learned how to play’, and the official AEG staff judging the event ruled that Warren Graves’s react ability sends the whole opposing posse home.

@nxt2ArchStanton the Frankston event was won by a Morgan Baineslide deck.

The Moscow event is rescheduled for September 26.

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Please explain the ruling further. I am confused.

I spent a lot of time with some AEG guys this week-end.
All of the AEG guys I asked agreed that if Warren Graves is played, the opponent is sent home booted instead of the person playing Warren Graves. (send them home booted instead- card text)
