A Trail of Bodies - Marshal 2015

So rumour has it that Steven bit the bullet.


Unlike Elmore I’ll miss Steven. I loved how in the game he seemed to come out of nowhere, save you only to ride towards the sunset whistling.

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He will still save your games, and still will not appear in fiction. Not big deal.

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But unlike most of the characters listed, I liked him and wanted him to survive.

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Yeah - perhaps. Or they might ban him :smiley:

Naw, they don’t do that, that would get too messy too quick.

Now, when they eventually reset the environment, which probably won’t happen for quite a while, they usually don’t reprint dead dudes. At least that’s how Classic handled it, more or less.

They can reprint the same dude (stats and abilities) with a different name.

“I’m not sure where I’ve seen this Weven Stiles character before, but he looks mighty familiar…”


Have they said anything about what the final prize is?

Bobo bit the bullet too.

Steven was a 3 Stud
Ramiro was a 3 Stud
Bobo used to be a 2/3 Stud
Angelica was a 2 Stud

I can sense a pattern

You mean absent of any major story concerns, people are just offing dudes based on how they dislike going against them?

Sounds about right.


Looks like Sloane isn’t doing too well …

care to elaborate? We’ve seen them lose Angela so far, while 2 dfiters and 1 fourth ring dude have dropped. The final 4 offing a bunch of Sloaners?

Don’t mean to double post, but updating with information. From Twitter:

Qualifier 1 - Elmore Rhine killed
Qualifier 2 - Angelica & Steven killed (a tie perhaps?)
Qualifier 3 - Ramiro Mendoza killed
Qualifier 4 - Bobo killed

By now the semi finals should be getting down to determine the final 4, though the event info says the ‘fifth and final event’ will determine the next 4 killed. Not sure if they mean the semi finals or the finals tomorrow? >>

Any word on what, if any, story prize the champion gets? From the AEG board, looks like they’re getting a very nice hand made chest for deck storage, with a sheriff’s badge and a msyterious leather satchel.

I think the biggest loss card wise is Mendoza.
I can imagine an experienced version of any of the others could potentially be anything, but I think an experienced Mendoza could have been an interesting card…


No updates? Twitter seems quiet. The finals must be over by now

Andreas, Makaio, Arvid, and Slade are the final deaths.

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Ouch, Sloane really did take a beating. And Morgan took the fewest casualities, surprise! Sad to see the butcher was their only casualty, about the only dude I wanted to see live XD

So was there no prize for the championship, just the 4 final deaths?

There was a ton of promos and a custom deck box. The fourth ring won against fourth ring allot of marks were played.

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oh I meant story prize ^^; They displayed the deck box on the AEG forum, along with the marshal’s badge and a leather satchel.

any juicy promos we haven’t seen?