If DTR had a Restricted List

This is just for pure curiosity. If AEG decided to make a restricted list to shake up the Meta. What cards would you like to see on that list.

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Hmmm, traditionally a restricted list is used to break up powerful combos and cards tend to get added in pairs or more.

I don’t think we have any over-riding multicard combos that are overpowered right now. Something I think we’ve managed to stay on top of.

Something as powerful as Shadow Walk / Soul Blast doesn;t see as much play as it once did, but it’d be a combo along those lines that would possibly be looked at should a list ever be needed

While I agree with you. I was meaning to shake up the “top tier decks” like saying you either get Allie or HLF in your Den deck OR you get the Tattoeman or Pmark.
Remember when FFG put Refugees on the list just to make ppl build deck differently.

Auction. To stop people making the mistake of including it in a deck :smile:

Auction > Tresspassin’ combo is totally OP.



I don’t see Para Mark and Tman needing it. a world where you get PM or Blood Curse could be interesting though.

That being said, rather than a restricted list, what if we added a “loyal” keyword to things. A deck building restriction of a different sort. You could only include a loyal card in your deck if you are using the right outfit card.

Allie would definitely be top of my list. Not playing a Sloane outfit? No Allie for you.

The Brute as well, he turns up in a lot of places.


So are we talking a Restricted List like Game of Thrones (a list of cards of which you can pick one to play up to 4x) or restricting the number of times you can play specific cards (no more than 2 Hot Lead Flyin’) regardless of other cards in the deck?

But nevertheless I don’t think this game needs a Restricted List but if I had to choose a combination of cards that probably needs balancing more than others it definitely would be Paralysis Mark – Blood Curse.

HLF, all day, every day

Puppet and HLF.

Would you care to elaborate?

The card allows you to take contol over opponent’s dude and their attached cards, so you can trade them to your dudes, use opponent’s dude against his other dudes( shootout, kidnapping), you can overplay said dude with XP version of this dude and keep it and finally it is a noon action that creates a situation when swing of up to 4 “victory points” is possible e.g. I Puppet Irving, Randall, Jake and move them to opponent’s 2 CP deed. Additionally it synergises strongly with two other spells that are super strong: Blood Curse, Paralysis Mark.

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I do know that it is a strong card but do you think it is as meta changing that it needs to be restricted? Are there so much decks that rely on Puppet in your meta?

Puppet is one of those cards that forces you to completely change the way you play the game once it’s hit play. It’s very strong, and combined with stuff like Shadow Walk and Paralysis Mark can be very tricky to play around. If you don’t have a targeting job or similar then you’re not going to have an easy time removing it from the table either.


It is not about the card being popular or not, but about its power level and unique interactions ( e.g. controlling opponent’s goods). I saw it in play many times and very often one copy of this spell decided the outcome of the game.


Probably not a popular feeling here, but as a gadget player, I just have to say that Sight Beyond Sight is awful to play against.

Especially if you’re facing someone who has The Tattooed Man.

I’m not sure if it’s unbalanced or not, but I want to keep an eye on it to see if other people have the same issues I do.


Puppet is a super powerful spell, for sure. I think i have less issue with it cause its normally a one of, it can mess up other spell pulls being low value, and the dude its attached to can still die. Basically, its an answerable situation, though one that requires an immediate answer cause yeah, it can totally take over a game if not played around.

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Puppet is a super powerful spell, for sure. I think i have less issue with it cause its normally a one of, it can mess up other spell pulls being low value, and the dude its attached to can still die. Basically, its an answerable situation, though one that requires an immediate answer cause yeah, it can totally take over a game if not played around.

DTR do not need (nor should have ) aRestricted cause the deckbuilding system with both Value, color and Faction is allready super restrictive for non-dedicated players.

Some cards should have been designed differently. Yes I am talking about you Allie Hensmen. The fact that she has no upkeep or no influence (and so no upkeep) is a problem leading her to be seen in too much decks (less since there are more clock victorycondition since the Core Set) .
But Allie was a spy in the sold of SLoane, so it is understandable for background.

Actually, more than a restricted list , I would ask of less support for the 108 Bandits archetype who are too strong. Even EW got really super cards but see less play.
Older faction that don’t look forward for Gadget decks (who received recently top high level support) now seems underpowered before the might of the Bandits possibilities.
Looking for the LD, their dudes are trash (no influence, overcoasted), Sloane have seen so less diversity except for Hexes decks, but I really don’t like their Hucksters.
Morgan non gadget seems to have a criple in the build (cause of the 1st outfit I think) but their posses lack a good dude to be an alternate of Irving.
4R Hexes didn’t saw any support since the earlier Saddlebag, still 4R seems a strong faction with Abominations right now and Control is still a playable (but less more winning) archetype.

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I’d like to see a bit less Steven Wiles.

Steven is really, really good. The ability to save you for a turn at 1GR is alone worth making him an auto-include on any deck that runs 8s unless you have a MUCH better other card. He’s useful for game-ending pushes (either as a shooter, or more often as 3 influence to control that last deed). He’s invaluable in DMH since you don’t want 8s that stick around. He’s a HUGE swing in the favor of whoever drops him.

On a selfish note. restricting him would also allow me to have more than 1-2 decks that use that card built at once without buying another two copies of the core set. I always feel like my decks (that run 8s) without Stevie are gimped unless I move Steve between sleeves every time I switch decks, and if I’m lending a deck to someone, I need to split up the Steves or give one player the better deck.

I see less Steven by now than before, the 8 values was leading but now there is many other good cards that justify to change your decks for other values


In addition, Backroom Deals made cards like Stephen Wiles and Bobo no longer safe to just fire and forget.

I don’t know that it’s happened a ton, but I know it’s caused me to rethink at least one deck inclusion for him.