Immovable Object, Unstoppable Force

Welp, it seems the news is out :wink:



2 new factions. That’s lame

wha? why? :persevere:

I would prefer more options inside of one color instead of just choosing faction and autobuilding deck due to lack of good options. I think we are not there yet to spread packs into 6 factions. Speed of faction grow will slow 1.5 times.

As far as I can tell, even currently each faction has 2-3 viable deck options. And even within those, it’s certainly not an auto-pilot.

I agree, but 2-3 option is still not enough decision in deckbuilding imho.

There’s certainly more of them for experimental play of course. But 2 new factions are going to give you around 2-4 competitive ones and a lot more casual ones.

Actually, gozik makes a good point - how will new cards be distributed in future saddlebags? Currently we get 9-10 dudes per packs, 2 for every faction and 1-2 drifters. If that number increases to 13-14 dudes per pack, we’ll be getting lots of dudes and few new cards of other suits…

I think 4 factions weren’t enough (though I found one I love the theme and playing with in those 4). I am glad we get a couple extra. Hopefully new themes/way-to-play to discover there.


@mplain I think the total number of dudes will stay the same, but some factions will get 1 or none of dudes in another pack.

I would prefer more outfit cards inside of current factions, and more dudes on different values.

I moved 6 posts to a new topic: Competitiveness and viable Tournament archetypes

Oh man, how much are we allowed to talk about the New Guys? Probably enough to say that what we do with them wasn’t possible by working within another existing faction.

And they are so cool, like you do not even know. People are going to love, identify with, and want to see/hear more of these guys and their unique ways of seeing the world. Plus, one of them is Satori Komeiji.


Well it does mean a broader spread of themes which will be excellent

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I would say we are not allowed to discuss specifics of them at all. Not even names.

Cool! Two more factions sounds great to me :). In game of thrones there is 6 + neutral in the packs and is ok.


More options for players of different preferences is always a good thing, as long as they have fun and effective abilities.

I for one CANNOT WAIT for these new factions to hit the game. They are indeed a lot fun and will certainly shake up the meta.


I just wanna say: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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yayyyy. have been waiting for this for so long :slight_smile:

But what’s in here? Will my flock be returning after all?!?!

I think they specifically named The Flock as a thing they wouldn’t do again in an article or two. I want to be surprised! There wasn’t a weird circus or a cattle company in Classic, after all.