Immovable Object, Unstoppable Force

Oh my god this is amazing!!
I can’t wait for this pinebox… our game is going to get so much richer!

Here’s an image of the SB perhaps coming after NTB:

Well if I didn’t say “Satori Komeiji is in here”, nobody would recognize it.

I mean, come on, Mario Crane pt. 2 literally contains the phrase “apparitions stalk the night” and not one person commented! Not one!

How about this guy on the cover? Check out that hat!

Well, I just got to a computer, and bam, there’s this news. Pretty insane. Looks like we’ve got lots to discuss in the coming months. :smiley:

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I, for one, welcome our Native American overlords - and any other newcomers.

As I see it variety is good and more outfits more variety - more playstyles.

Will it slowthe development of the other outfits? Yes.

Which is good as otherwise the ‘new’ factions would have to spend that much longer on actually ‘catching up’ to the old factions.

I do hope, of course, that the old factions will still get dudes, drifters, deeds, goods and actions to expad their game - but I think that will happen no matter what.

I think it’d be cool if the Texas Rangers came to Gomorra. Or the Last Sons. Or the Marshalls. Or the Maze Rats.

I think it’s gonna be cool no matter what.

A pine box full of only Union and Confederate drifters would be amazing.

If this theme gets developed further in the future, I hope it comes with some flavor explanations (stories, card flavor text, etc.). For those of us unfamiliar with US history and Deadlands lore, it’s hard to understand why a bandit and an deputy can work together, but a nun and a mexican pastor cannot.

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In the Deadlands setting, the USA and CSA both still exist and are both still at war, albeit a “cold war”. And California is a member of neither.

When you get right down to it, Dudes work for an outfit because they believe doing so will get them something they want – that’s why anyone does anything. It could be money, or power, or respect, or friendship. Working with someone out-of-faction means that you aren’t allying with that person’s outfit, but that person thinks that working with you will get them what they want.

It’s much, much harder to convince someone that working with you will get them what they want when what they want is “to preserve the Confederate States of America”, and you already have a known Union operative on your payroll, or vice versa. A bandit and a deputy might have something they both want and could work together for (this is why we have corrupt cops and confidential informants); that nun and that pastor in particular have goals that directly conflict with each other and would not find much to cooperate on.


I’d think that a nun and a pastor have common religious/spiritual goals that would be more important to them than their political views. I’d think that they were simply born on different sides of the barricades, but the faith in god that they share would unite them more, help them see through their differences.

But that’s exactly what I’m talking about: if that nun and that pastor’s differencies in political views are so great that even their shared faith cannot overcome it, I would really love this to be reflected and explained in flavor - in stories on AEG website, for example.

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You can’t even get Protestants and Catholics to get along in the same country, why would they get along when working for two countries that are at war?

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[quote=“Atropos, post:37, topic:188”]
You can’t even get Protestants and Catholics to get along in the same country, why would they get along when working for two countries that are at war?
[/quote]It’s been explained to me that the nun is Catholic (because Protestants don’t have monastic orders). Do we know for sure that Felix is a Protestant? I thought that the whole Latin America is predominantly Catholic.

I am happy to see more faction, I think 4 is not sufficient for the long-term health of the game. 5-7 seems to be the sweet spot for most games.

However I am both shocked and slightly concerned to not only see new factions so soon but TWO in the same release.

However, it is understandable. While the new factions this early will dilute the amount of cards dedicated to existing factions, on the other side if you delay too long in releasing new factions they have too much to catch-up on.

I’ve worried but cautiously optimistic they can pull it off well. I’ve yet to be really disappointed in DTR thus far (except for the ongoing lack of wanted-punishment support, rawr!)

In cannon, most Latino Catholics in California (specifically Lost Angels) are actually Anuhuac (I think that’s right), a mixture of Aztec shamanism and Catholicism. Also, the Mexicans aren’t exactly friends with CSA at this point either, constantly warring with them.

The northern - southern divide is very strict at this point. Wounds are fresh and everyone has family that died in the fighting. My guess is that those that have the Union or Confederate key words are hard line supporters or are particularly bitter about something that happened to them in a battle.

There are two things you don’t talk about in polite company, Politics and Religion. Those two probably can’t not talk about both of those things, often and with as much zeal as they can.

I’d count the cards myself if I were at home, but how many dudes are in each faction? If the new pine box is a 50/50 split between each faction they could actually be fully caught up from the get go, since goods, deeds, actions, and so on aren’t faction specific. All you need are enough dudes (and spell cards, if they have a new type of spell).

Currently each faction has 21 dudes, plus 21 drifters, for a total of 105 different dudes (and a gunslinger token).


The problem with that approach is that any DTR customers that aren’t interested in the new factions have a really weak incentive to buy that set then. LCG/ECGs tend to thrive–in my opinion–on keeping you interested with each release.

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True enough, but all things considered (since a pine box adds 40 new cards) it is at least possible for these two new factions to join the game suddenly and still have a card pool that’s pretty close to what the current ones have.

I dont see any problem in anywere. I cant imagine who doesn’t want to get the new factions!! Myself, when i buy the core set are expecting for native indians, but well, i still buying!

personally i think that is very interesting for the customer the announcmwent of the next pinebox.

Really dont understand the position of people like you about the future of the game.