Immovable Object, Unstoppable Force

Sounds like quite a convenient situation for the consumer.

And they donā€™t have to then. I fail to see how this is a problem for the consumers that do. Literally everyone in my FLG who I play this game with is looking forward to new factions. If you donā€™t want to buy it donā€™t. More for those who do want to.

Wow. I think my comments were not taken in the spirit they were intended.

First of all, I am stoked about the Pinebox. I love this game, and pretty much everything about it.

I was simply stating that removing incentive for some potential customers to buy the box by either not supporting or undersupporting their favorite, existing faction could ding the bottom line.

Also, I know that my playgroup is very flighty when it comes to supporting games. Weā€™ll be hot-and-heavy into a game one month and forget it about the next, only to circle back to it 7 months from then.

The beauty of an LCG format is that it can trickle along new goodies just quickly enough so you wonā€™t lose interest. If there is a releaseā€“especially a cornerstone release like a Pinebox rather than a Saddlebagā€“that breaks that cycle, I feel like you could see a player drop.

On the flip side the new factions might be cool and exciting enough to bring in new players to counteract that. Who knows? Iā€™m just voicing that this particular release tactic isnā€™t all sunshine and rainbows, it carries some amount of risk.

Even if ALL dudes will belong to the two new factions, thereā€™d still be half a box of universally playable deeds, goods, and actions - enough incentive for fans of existing factions to buy the pine box, eh?

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Not really. Youā€™d still need Spirits to show up. And probably see some kind of Shaman-specific cards outside of spirits (like Prayer and Hex-Slinging were for Miracles and Hexes).

Then you might also see some cards to support any new sub-faction keywords in the new factions. Like for example if the Native American faction has a Brave keyword like Law Dogs have Deputy, you might see a deed, action, or goods based around that keyword.

So youā€™re looking at maybe 10 dudes for each new faction (20), probably 5 Spirits, at least 1 outfit for each new faction (2), and maybe something like 2-3 faction-specific or faction-leaning support cards. Thatā€™s 29-30 cards out of 48.

That leaves less than a Saddlebag worth of cards for ā€œeveryone elseā€ so to speak, and it has not been uncommon in my experience to only end up really wanting 1-2 cards from some of the prior Saddlebags for my decks. So that might be something like 0-1 cards that interest me from this Pinebox if the new Factions turn out to ā€œnot be my thangā€.

Again, Iā€™ll personally probably love the Pinebox. Iā€™m just saying that having nearly 2/3 of a release dedicated primarily to new factions creates a disincentive to buy the expansion for anyone not interested in the new factions, and that not buying a single expansion in an LCG release format can kill interest.

I believe it says on the box that it contains 162 card, so 40 different cards, four copies each, plus two new outfits.

Ah, for some reason I thought the Pineboxes were 48. Sadly, that only exacerbates the potential problem Iā€™m describing.

In any case Iā€™m hoping to be able to make a sick Native American deck :slight_smile:

I donā€™t really know the psychology of casual players, but I can easily imagine this: ā€œI recently bought Doomtown and I quite liked the game! I have some money to buy one or two expansions, what should I buy first of all?ā€ ā€“ ā€œDude, buy IOUF - in brings two whole new factions into the game!ā€


I honestly cannot say whether the second digit is a 5, 6 or 8. I actually hope that almost all cards are there to support new factions. There is also no information about the size of saddlebags after release of this pinebox. If they increase their size by 4 or 5 cards there is enough room to support every faction in them.

Maybe, but thatā€™s probably not blanket advice Iā€™d give to a new player. First Iā€™d find out what kind of playstyle and which faction they are interested in. If it isnā€™t something one of the 2 new factions provide I think IOUF would be the last expansion Iā€™d recommend.

Casuals usually donā€™t want to play every faction nor care about having all the cards available to them, theyā€™ll have 1-2 decks they like and go with just that.

Somewhat off-topic, butā€¦ itā€™s been only 10 days since the release of Frontier Justice, and I didnā€™t even get the physical copy yet, but I already feel like I played enough with the new cards, and I want to see moar spoilers =_=


Thatā€™s basically every release, right?

I feel FJ was particularly hard to get really excited for, as F&F was so great. Itā€™s hard to go back to a Saddlebag after a Pinebox :slight_smile:

OCTGN has spoiled you :stuck_out_tongue:


The main point is that a new faction with a new power, as of right now probably only requires about 36 or so cards to be added to the total card pool for them to be up to par. So thatā€™s great! Iā€™m not a marketing or sales expert so I canā€™t speak to any of those concerns, but Iā€™ll be buying all of it no matter how they work it out so Iā€™m not too concerned about that :wink:

You wonā€™t have to wait long. :wink:

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