Junior: Mystical goods fetch is nice, but we can’t start him because his ability won’t trigger that means we have to make a deck that focuses on A and my recent games show that decks that focus on abominations/mystical are free wins for every control deck and are no better then aggresive Sloane, so for now he is usless, but he has great potential in a future. B- (A- in future)
(That lady at 6 value): She is meant to be used in aggresive decks but she is a draw so we can’t start her because we need power immediately, that means she should be used as on value dude, but In Summoning decks and in low value Abomination/Mystical decks you don’t even want her in a deck because Bobo is so much better and she’s in not Abomination. So what is a point in her I don’t know. D-
Steel Archer exp1: Steele Archer is no longer used because we have a way better replacement, Leon. There would be hope for him if Exp. version was on good value(8+) and we would simply replace him later because his ability in later stages is better then that of Leon (unbooting hex we need instead of Para Mark). But he is on terrible value that means we would have to start him but noone will ever pay 8 GR to start him. Wasted potential. D
Old Man McDroste: He is probably best dude for Fourth Ring in Nightmare at Noon. Control decks already use Out of Town deeds (Pat’s Perch, Jackson’s Strike) so having semi-mobile dude that gives us control point is worth investing. His ability is also great. We can boot enemy dude at our deed then walk in with Old man and use his ability to get control back. All we need is good control hex on K but already has potential as off value dude. B
John “Aces” Radcliffe: With Fourth Ring you usually get rid of your hand because of cheap spells so there wont be much use of him. C-
Lula’s Exploit: Well that’s usless. Back to Pat’s Perch. F
Testing Range: Well that’s usless. We can’t even invent Mystical Gagdets with Valeria and use it’s ability. Back to 2 General Stores. D-
Flint’s Amusements: Potential great GR accelaration and card advantage. Looks really good in aggresive Fourth Ring decks. B+
Soul Cage: Now this is a fun card. Abom fetch is something that abom deck want/need and it really puts fear into your opponent and forces him not to cheat and punishes 3x16 deck structure. It on expensive side tho but i think it should be worthy investment. A-
Stoker’s Sabre: It should be good in aggresive huckster decks. Being able to use Corporeal Twist, Fetch, Mirror Mirror, Soul Blast multiple times will be beneficial. B
Nightmare at Noon: 4th Ring has way to many 0, 1 bullet dudes to make it work. D
A Fight They’ll Never Forget: Looks fun but is it better then Double Dealin’? There will be story where one dude managed to kill most of the enemy posse and gained so many CP that it won him a game, but most of the time it will be one CP for you or enemy and you’ll be praying for Double Dealin’ because you would wipe his board with it. C
Buried Treasure: Wow. Now that is a good card. Thinning your deck, getting rid of extra copies of aced dudes and cards that are usless against certain matchups(ex. shootout actions against Landslide), money acceleration with cycle, so much good things in this card. Finally something that can compete against Unprepared. A (possibly A+)
Overall, this expansion is really poor for Fourth Ring. No hexes, deeds only for gadgets and no really notable dudes(Junior only in future). Only Buried Treasure and Soul Cage save Nightmare at Noon from sucking, but they will not really change how Fourth Ring decks are played right now.