Nightmare at Noon

“Send home booted” is a complex effect that causes your dude to end up at home, booted, outside of the shootout.

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It was more a quick question than something for the rules team to clarify, but I will do it the next time. Sorry for the slight off topic ^_^"

Rules questions are never off-topic in threads about new cards, ask away.

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I do really like these two for clubless…though it will definitely strain my starting resources, being able to possibly remove an Unprepared from an opponent’s hand will be amazing.

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Yay, more good uses for Forget…

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By the way - am I the only one sensing we will see an action card called ‘Just A Scratch’ (or the like) in this pack?

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I don’t know what this card does (‘Just A Scratch’), but IMO we will get an action card that works as Forget or tweaked Forget.

I think 4R is gonna get a new dude.


And a new melee weapon? Could THAT be what’s hanging on the wall in the Morgan Ranch?

(Probably not…)


I don’t get it…

It is a character from Soul Calibur, a fighting game in which characters use weapons, I think he meant that this cursed weapon belongs in circus ( or a character in possesion of it).

Also, in the English version of the game that character is called Nightmare

Yeah his name is nightmare, and he’s an abomination of sorts. It wasn’t a very strong joke.

Just a Scratch was an actioncard in classic that let you ignore 2 casualties…

Good call. Wouldn’t be surprised if both of “our” action cards were included in next saddlebag.

Well, 1 casualty (and costed 3 GR) but for DTR it would effectively be 2 since you always aced in classic.

Yeah I tried to ‘translate’ it…

What it should be clear watching the last set is that LD and Sloane get one dude and 4R and MCC two dudes(morgan already had)

I reckon Warren Graves is a Dude that could use a Good Stiff Drink from time to time.

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100 points to anyone who can name the inspiration for these two new characters …

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