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I can see Mark of Pestilence working as another way to set up dudes to be hit by Incubation. Granted, there are better cards for that. Maybe it will get more synergy as the Pestilence theme develops.

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I didnā€™t expect anyone to recognize that Antheia is Patchouli Knowledge, but I am very disappointed in all of you for not recognizing where EITHER of the Asyncoil Gun or La Quemaā€™s flavor text is from.

Half-Life and Romance of the Three Kingdoms. But Iā€™m trying not to encourage you guys with all the quotes and references. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the award for most abusable card in the set is Avie. Iā€™m a little disturbed at all the terrible things that can be done to booted dudes without so much as the courtesy of a pull. A distinction was made between booted and unbooted dudes on Phantasm; I with the same had been done hereā€¦

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I think this is also a function of the proliferation of XP dudes, which is getting out of hand, IMO. Because theyā€™re mutually exclusive with their counterparts of different XP levels, it further restricts starting posse (and play) options.

Granted, it wouldnā€™t be good to have multiple dudes with a very similar effect, like Swinford and Swinford XP, that could be played at the same time. But honestly, especially with the relative trickle of new cards, Iā€™d rather have new dudes with new abilities every day and twice on Sunday. Let the story development come in flavor text and fiction, and other card types, or even other dudes.

Ya, the more I think about him the more disappointed I am. 4 cost is hard to eat for 0 influence, 0 skill, and a reactive ability. His best quality that I can see is that heā€™s an affordable Q-value dude for LD, unlike Abram XP. So if you want to run Queens heā€™s a decent filler dude.

I was really hoping for a Wilber/Roderick type of Blessed this set. If Ebenezer was say a 5/0 cost with 1 influence and 1 skill, Iā€™d be over the moon with him. As it isā€¦he really doesnā€™t give me anything I want except for being a passable filler for an otherwise good value to build on.

I think one of the biggest limitations with all of these 0 influence, 0 skill LD Blesseds is the first ability on Confession. The fact that they get 0 mileage out of that ability is a very large detriment because it forces you into either starting Inbody with 0 influence or having to shell out for an expensive dude like Otwell, Felix, or Abram who Iā€™d generally rather prefer to run out of my deck so that I can start Wendy and/or Tommy.

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Sister Lois Otwell Ā· DoomtownDB ?

His whole post is about how Blessed 0 sucks. No, the nun will not do.

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Yeah, Blessed and Miracles have been an all-around face plant, and really needed help. This dude ainā€™t it. Hereā€™s hoping one of the new outfits is Miracle based, I guess, because maybe thatā€™ll get Law Dog Blessed up to speed as well.

And hereā€™s hoping the new factions launch a bit more successfully.

Wellā€¦ the new miracle is pretty cool. Iā€™m sure blessed will get there some day and tbh, LD is looking really strong entering ā€œsheriff seasonā€ā€¦ Sommerset xp1 is evil. LD canā€™t have it all in one pack :wink:

Law Dogs are top tier, sure, but Blessed arenā€™t. Frankly, Iā€™d have rather seen a quality Blessed (especially one with influence!) over Somerset, even if it meant 2 LD Blessed. Law Dogs already have tons of tools for hyper aggro.


A missing piece of the puzzle right now, also, is that the expense of starting multiple Blessed is so punishing compared to hucksters and even mad scientists, which makes the deck much more fragile.

Youā€™re looking at minimum 6/0 for a blessed with influence, 6/1 for 2 influence.

4R hucksters get a 4/0 stud with influence, a 5/0 stud with the same, and a couple of 5/1 draws with great abilities, and some of them are even huckster 1s. Thereā€™s even a 5/1 drifter with huckster 2.

Sloane hucksters have a couple 3/0 hucksters with influence and one without, and their higher cost hucksters can easily be the centerpiece of a starting posse in the appropriate deck.

Both MS outfits have 4/1 MSs with 2 influence, and cheaper without. Morgan has a great 3/1 stud with influence in Jen, and another 3/1 Specks. Law Dogs have a great stud MS in Mortimer for 5/1. And everyone has access to Roderick and Dawn for 5/0 for 1 inf or 5/1 for 2 respectively.

Couple that with a limited selections of really effective Miracles (some are punishingly difficult for their effect, others are wildly risky, still others have their effectiveness blunted on certain Blessed), and Blessed are a long way from competitive simply to consistency. Without redundancy, theyā€™re too vulnerable to hyper-aggro, and when they do survive, the Miracle pool just isnā€™t up to snuff.


Wait what? Whoā€™s that? o_O

Sorry, Law Dogs do, Morgan doesnā€™t. Misremembered Eustace Trueā€™s cost. 5/1 with 2 influence is still better than Blessed have access to, though.

This. There is no really good starting line-ups for blesseds. The costs associated to get enough influence and skill rating on the board just donā€™t add up well.

You canā€™t stop me! You cannot even hope to contain me!

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Funny thing, Avie Cline EXP would be ideal for experimental gadget decks - itā€™s a non-club way to force shootouts. But upkeep 5 isā€¦ eh.

To be fair, the 4/1 cost, 2 Influence LD is pretty bad. Iā€™d much rather pay 1 more to get Andreas over Zoe. But, yes, all of these are still better options than hat Blesseds have access to. Felix is arguably the best Blessed with influence right now, from an all-around startability (thatā€™s now a word, I declare it) standpoint. And at 6/1 heā€™s not exactly cheap. Also with Consecration, Magical Distraction, Wendy, Mario, etc. on his value Iā€™d almost prefer to run him out of the deck for part of the draw structure and influence to drop in the later game.

Iā€™d literally be perfectly fine with a Wilber/Roderick style Blessed at this point. Just 5/0 cost for 1 draw, 1 influence, 1 skill Drifter and a middling value (6-value would be nice I think, personally). You could easily run him with Burton or Inbody batting support, or use him to support Felix if youā€™re really going Miracle heavy. Iā€™m not too demanding :slight_smile:

So what is the second card for Morgan cattle? We get elander exp 1 and ???

Max Bainohwait.