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4th RIng also got only one new card. With the 2 new factions coming soon this will happening more often I guess.

Yep. I hate to see existing factions getting diminished support, but the new factions are probably going to need help following the PB. I would’t be surprised to see each existing outfit get 1 dude each in post-PB saddlebags, if not less. Even once they’re up to par, 1 dude for each of six outfit in a saddlebag leaves only 15 cards everything else. I’d rather have stuff that can be easily used across factions – drifters and non-dude cards – take up that real estate.

Better yet, lets cut all in-faction dudes, and let all factons run starting posses full of drifters!

Soooo may I ask why are we not seeing 8 value deed yet? Should we expect it in next Pinebox?
And why do we need new Huckster for sloane which is really no different then Maria?

I really like this expansion as a set of cards, but I am disappointed in lack of core deed(s) and as majority of you said another Blessed with skill of 0 and 0 influence is disappointing, although after poor introduction of miracles/blesseds in F&F I expected that it will take up to another PB for them to be playable.

Actually - with the cards coming as steadily and frequently as we see I do not see any problems with having 6 dudes (8 incl. drifters) pr. Saddlebag and some more for the new factions when they start off. I am having too little time anyways to really try out the dudes that is already there. In other words - what exactly is the value of getting new dudes for the outfits?

I don’t get it. There are no faction-specific actions or deeds or events in Doomtown, unlike any other card game. The only things that distinguish one faction from another are dudes and outfits. And you want fewer faction-specific dudes and more drifters? Jake Smiley is already in virtually every starting posse, Steven Wiles is in most decks, now we got three cheap high-value studs “made explicitly to be easily playable or startable” by anyone. I want factions to be as different as possible. Don’t you?

Just because there are no cards that state “can only be played in faction xy” does not mean there is no distinction. There are neutral cards that are clearly made for one specific deck type or faction. Magical Distraction, Secured Stockyard, Gomorra Jail, Prayer, Ridden Down, Bounty Hunter, Mayfair Family Deck for example. Gadgets and Spells are limited and of course you can play some kind of Miracle Morgan or Hex Law Dogs deck so I would rather have the option to do so, even it is just silly, than to just have the cards say you can’t in any way play cards in any other faction than the one it was made for.

What you said does not contradict to what I said, at all.
All the cards you named (except for Bounty Hunter and Ridden Down) rely on you playing specific dude types (huckster, mad scientist, deputy), and at the moment those dude types have a definite connection to one faction or another. But if we start getting more drifters than faction-specific dudes, soon there won’t be any distinction left at all. It’ll all be just one faction with multiple outfits to choose from. I wouldn’t like that.

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Well my point is that the cards other than dudes are in no way as easily interchangeable as one might think from your quote

And I completely agree with you that I would not like the factions to become watered down with grifters that every faction/deck should play. But I can’t imagine that this is happening to be honest. There are a few dudes that are universally good in many decks such as Ramiro Mendoza, Steven Wiles and Jake Smiley, but that are really only a few. One of the reasons people are playing other grifters is not because they are especially powerful or better but that there are simply not enough on-value faction dudes. I would rather play 4 different dudes on my value if all are equally good than 2 copies of 2 different dudes. And this issue can easily addressed by just releasing more faction dudes which complement the basic game plan for the faction or really specific neutral dudes rather than grifters that are “okay I guess” which I feel are a lot of right now.

I am not sure if this is a serious question. The dudes provide platform for different strategies, they give each faction unique flavour and give you different options especially in a starting posse.

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It was a more… basic question. Dudes supporting different strategies or specific decks gives variety- but more just dudes doesnt necessarily add a lot. So setting a specific number of dudes that we should have in a saddlebag doesnt really do it for me. Id rather discuss what kind of different dudes we would like to see or what decks/strategies that needs dudes to support them. F.ex. I have heard that miracles as such needs blessed dudes. What kind (with influence? what blessed skill? studs? abilities?) and why do they need more blessed is a better discussion than saying we need X dudes in each pack.

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Hmm, in this case I agree. Also, if we get 1 new dude per faction but also get actions, deeds and goods that are faction-specific, or rather dude type-specific, then I’m okay with that. Quality over quantity.

I oncede that having different choices of own faction dudes on different values is something we should strive for though.

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Don’t forget about one important thing. Each dude has influence, and you need certain amount of it in your starting posse, each dude that is either expensive or has 0 influence restricts your options. I am not opposed of limiting number of dudes in SB’s, but only after we reach a point where there are enough of them to allow flexibility in deck building, I don’t think we reached that point yet.

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I would like to have for every faction the choice between at least 2 faction dudes on a single value and if one of them does not fit my deck type or I want some variety, then there should be drifters to compensate that. That is how I prefer to build decks at least and I think this would prevent decks being too similar. But of course I don’t know if other people see this the same way I do.

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I don’t know if you play Conquest by FFG but compared to that game, which launched at the same time approximately, DTR has a ridiculous amount of choices in deckbuilding. I know you should not compare this to the worse example but as someone who plays both I feel very good about the choices I have in DTR.

No I don’t, but I think the aim should be to make this game as good as possible rather than better than game x, even if the game x is considered to be the best on the market. I would gladly pay few pounds more for a few extra cards in each SB rather than have reduction of certain type of card(s) in each of them ( I think that the size of SB’s is currently bit too small ).

Yes exactly. My point was not to compare games for which one does it better but that DTR right now has a pretty good deck building choices and there are other games that would love to have as many options.

I would also love to have more cards per SB, but on the other hand that would maybe speed up the meta change a bit too much, especially considered that some think it is already pretty fast paced.

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Another topic - I love the art in this saddlebag. No turning back, Asyncoil Gun, El Grajo, Avie Cline, Rapier and Vitality Tonic are all amazing! Thumbs up for artists!