Light Shineth - Pine Box speculation

Soon. ™

Well remember, though this is a Pinebox, it only has 3 Outfits, the remaining three won’t be out until Dirty Deeds, so half of the factions are going to have to wait until November before they get a new box.

Law Dogs are almost a shoe-in for a new outfit, and probably Abrame Grothe Exp 2 (since that’s very likely him on the box art). So, that leaves 2 of the 5. My theory is still it’s going to be the ‘heroic’ factions, the 108 and Wardens, while the more villainous factions get Dirty Deeds. I could be wrong though! Ball is really up in the air, could easily be a mix.

Is Dirty Deeds confirmed to be a saddlebag? My local store guys think it’s going to be another Pine Box-sized expansion.

Yes, some online stores (I don’t have links handy) are listing it as a regular saddlebag expansion, it’s just going to have the 3 outfits that aren’t in Light Shineth.

For… some reason. I still feel like Pineboxes should be where new outfits are introduced, at least for consistencies sake.

Edit: Oh there’s this too

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And the next one seems to be called Foul Play:

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So it seems the germany distributor got the cards already so there is a good chance I get them tomorrow or friday. Really looking forward to this one, especially because there are so few cards spoiled so far.


I picked it up tonight and my mind is reeling…


oho? do tell!

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I wouldn’t want to get in trouble.

Would I get in trouble?

Well, somebody else has gotten into trouble(if he gets) for you: The Gadgetorium: [SPOILER] The Light Shineth
Edit: Oh boy, Ivor is a beast…

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Well, it seems Abram is one letter short of a full outfit…

Abrams Crusaders is EVERYTHING I wanted. Thank you.

Unimpressed by MCC dudes. All about horses, but I’m not confident these cards are that great. The EW dudes are awesome.
Ivor is a beast, and possibly a game changer.

Civil war seems like it could really affect the game in a huge way if played smart. Strength of the Ancestors is very powerful, possible combos with Sarah for a 6 stud. Deborah in a crusaders deck with a rapier is going to be 6 stud when leading, add a sword of the spirit and she turns into a 7 stud, 2 influence who can’t be hit by spells.

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My concern is… why the wrakest faction receive the weakest cards every expansion?
I mean, the harrowed dude its not bad, but conditional and very expensive as a starter. Lillian ability is great! but theres something more expensive in the game? (including the ranchs and horses that you need to have)

Mutant Cattle is a 2??? WTF???
The wretched and the MS that can invent are for every faction that wanna play that, nothing particilar to MCC…

Rich mans guard dog is the only card that i found interesting to MCC in this pinebox…

And not talking about the NO outfit!!

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Thats true, its a shame… MCC need more and that set is a big troll (mutant Cattle , seriouly…)… Every body is able to make gadget when The historical gadget faction is 6 feet under…
MCC continue to be The big looser in The game.

I hope for an OP outfit but i dont except anything now… Too late.

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Well Morgan, the 108, and the Wardens will all get new outfits in the next set, Dirty Deeds.

But yeah, I kind of agree. Morgan support is fairly lacking. Every other faction can point to a fistful of cards in this set that are direct, strong support for their deck types, Morgan… not quite so much. (the drifter mad will be very good for Quaterman decks though, I don’t deny that).

Though I suspect eventually they’re going to get an Outfit that just has the Ranch keyword so you can start with one in play, or they may get a Core like the Jail for Law Dogs that can be subbed in for a starting dude.

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I am far from disappointed the 4th ring got a bump to power, but so did each faction to an extent. Two of those action cards went straight into my MCC deedslide deck and it is performing well. I think 7 thru 9 will settle the playing field.

I think Eagles are The end of The landsides.
In fact i dont play MCC for The landsides game play but for The gadgets and horses , im a old fan of The Wild wild west serie…
Landsides is not The game i want to play. More, i think that this méchanic is The worst thing for MCC , it make The désigner créate quite weak MCC cards after The coreset

I like Morgan horse decks, and the new Harrowed guy is ok, but they could really do with a couple more tricks available to them. If there’s an interesting new home, some more horse support and an experienced Lula in the next saddlebag cycle I’ll be happy.


Me too, I’m still waiting for a good MCC house card, fitting their flavour.

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